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Traffic Sign Maintenance/Management Handbook, Report No. 201 ORIC10, Version 1.1, <br />Minnesota Department of Transportation (October 2010). <br />LMCIT Sign Retr"or°eflectivity Memo and Model Policy, League of Minnesota Cities <br />(Final Edition, March 2014). <br />Article IV. Sign Inventory <br />To meet the city's goal of maintaining sign retroreflectivity above certain levels, the city will <br />maintain a sign inventory of all new or replacement signs installed after the effective date of this <br />policy. The inventory shall indicate the type of sign, the location of the sign, the date of <br />installation or replacement, the type of sheeting material used on the sign face, the expected life <br />of the sign, and any maintenance performed on the sign, For existing signs that have exceeded <br />their useful life cycle (based upon the expectation that they were installed with the street <br />construction date) and are planned to be replaced over the next four years, only the number, the <br />location and type of sign shall be recorded. <br />As to existing signs, the city will perform an inventory of all signs covered by this policy. The <br />city recognizes this process will occur over time subject to the eity's monetary and human <br />resource limitations. The city expects to complete its sign inventory by December 31, 2015. <br />The city shall record the above information related to new signs to the extent that such <br />information is known and shall also include a statement on the general condition of the sign. <br />Excluded are Anoka County signs placed on city streets entering the County's roads. <br />Article V. Approved Sign Evaluation Method. <br />Blanket Replacement. All signs in the City of a given type are replaced at specified <br />intervals. Due to the high cost of sign replacement, existing signs that have exceed the <br />expected life cycle, shall be replaced over the next four years. Thereafter the sign <br />replacement interval is 15 years. To the extent possible, the sign replacement shall <br />correspond with street overlay program segments. <br />Article VI. Sign Replacement. <br />The City hereby establishes the following priority order in which road signs will be replaced: <br />First priority shall be given to replacing all signs determined not to meet applicable <br />retroreflectivity standards by virtue of the age and the expectation that they have exceed <br />their useful life cycle. Top priority shall also be given to replacing missing or damaged <br />signs determined to be of a priority for safety purposes. <br />Second priority shall be given to all remaining signs as they come to the end of their <br />anticipated service life, become damaged, etc. <br />In addition, within each category above, fairther priority shall be given to warning and regulatory <br />signs on roads with higher vehicle usage. <br />-36- <br />