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<br />City Council 2014-09-10 <br />Minutes of Work Session <br /> <br />City Council 2014-09-10 8:10 p.m. <br />Minutes of Work Session <br /> <br />Present were Mayor Tom Wilharber, Council members Jeff Paar, Steve King, D Love, <br />and Ben Fehrenbacher. Also present were Kurt Glaser, City Attorney, and Lee Mann of <br />Stantec. <br /> <br />The purpose of the work session was to cover two agenda items: <br /> <br />Budget 2014 <br />. The Council reviewed draft budget for 2015. It was noted that the <br />levy would increase by 4.25% as it is proposed. The Centennial Fire District budget <br />was presented, noting that the budget omitted the capital equipment amount that has <br />been in there in previous years. The reduction would be about $20,000. Since the <br />CFD budget is likely to go up by at least $75,000 in 2016, the consensus was to not <br />reduce the budgeted amount for fire protection. <br /> <br />Council discussed the request by Park and Rec for an additional $15,000 per year <br />for programs and projects. Several pending projects were cited. Consensus was to <br />increase the budget to add $15,000 for Park and Rec, however, it was pointed out that <br />the amount could change after the public hearing in December, and that it should be <br />clear that no promise is being made about future budgets, noting the significant <br />increase that is anticipated in fire department costs in 2016. The levy would go up by <br />about 4.89% with the added amount for Park and Rec. The preliminary budget and <br />levy will be on the next council meeting agenda for action. <br /> <br />Franchise fees. <br />Administrator Larson reported that Finance Director Ellie Paulseth <br />was unable to be here, but that revenue of $100-$120,000 per year based upon a rate <br />$7 per household is estimated. It was noted that Forest Lake recently adopted a <br />franchise fee that did not receive significant objection from the public. In that case, <br />the city committed the revenue to street reconstruction, with the understanding that it <br />would reduce the need for special assessments. Several future expenses were noted as <br />possible uses for the revenue. These included the increased cost of fire protection <br />following Lino Lakes’ departure from the fire district in 2016, trail reconstruction, <br />street construction and debt service. Council was concerned that it would be viewed <br />as just another tax, but it was noted that when business looks at locations, the tax rate <br />is a significant consideration. Having more costs go into the levy only makes the city <br />less competitive to business and the city is already among the highest tax rate cities in <br />the metro area. Consensus was that staff should identify what steps would be needed <br />to implement a franchise fee of $7 per household. <br /> <br />The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:00 p.m. <br /> <br />Dallas Larson, Administrator <br />11 <br /> Page of <br /> <br />