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Name of Representative: <br /> Address: <br /> Day phone: Evening phone: <br /> Indicate medical services (if required) that will be provided for this event: <br /> Ambulances: Doctors: <br /> Nurses: Paramedics: <br /> 10. VENDORS OR CONCESSIONAIRES: <br /> Describe what vendors/concessionaires you will allow in conjunction with the event, and <br /> the purpose of these concessions: <br /> Describe how you intend to regulate, monitor and control the type, number and quality of <br /> vendors/concessionaires whom you may permit to operate in conjunction with the event: <br /> We will not have vendors in the sense that is implied in this section . We will have water <br /> and sports drink to provide to the runners and walkers. We intend to have a small amount <br /> of energy foods at the end of the event. <br /> 11. CITY SERVICES/EQUIPMENT: <br /> Describe city services and/or equipment requested for this event: City barricades, cones, <br /> signs,picnic tables and other equipment which may be borrowed on an as-available basis. <br /> You should make advance arrangements to pick up and return this equipment. If you or <br /> any volunteers cannot pick up and return this equipment, please attach a letter requesting <br /> these services and explaining why your organization cannot perform them. This will be <br /> reviewed,then approved or denied by the public works foreman. <br /> City Services will be coordinated with Centerville Public Works. We will need a couple <br /> of tables at the finish line. Traffic cones at critical intersections. Traffic control will be <br /> coordinated with CLPD. <br /> 12. OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION: <br /> Page 7of13 <br />