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<br />PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE <br />Wednesday, December 3, 2014 ~ 6:30 p.m. <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Parks & Recreation Committee of the City of <br />Centerville held a scheduled meeting on December 3, 2014 at the City Hall location. <br /> <br />Present: <br /> Chairperson Jon Grahek <br />Vice Chairperson Kevin Waeghe <br /> <br />Committee Member Kevin Amundsen <br /> <br />Committee Member Chris Bettinger <br />Committee Member Brian Peterson <br />Committee Member Charles Reinhardt <br />Committee Member Suzanne Seeley <br /> <br /> <br />Also Present: <br /> Council Member, Steve King <br /> <br />Public Works Director, Paul Palzer <br />Linda Neudecker, Recording Secretary <br /> <br />I. CALL TO ORDER <br /> <br /> Chairperson Grahek called the December 3, 2014 Meeting of the Parks & Recreation Committee <br />to order at 6:32 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. <br /> <br /> Roll Call – see above <br /> <br /> <br />II. SET AGENDA <br /> <br /> Motion was made by Committee Member Waeghe, seconded by Committee Member Seeley <br />to add the following items to the agenda: under Committee Business – add #4 Playground <br />Fall Zone Material and under Updates – add #4 Committee Reappointments for 2015. All <br />in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />III. APPEARANCES ~ Mike Ericson, City Administrator <br /> <br /> Mr. Mike Ericson, the new City Administrator was introduced. He attended the P & R <br />Committee meeting to have the opportunity to meet to the members. He also gave a short <br /> <br />bio of his work historyand family background and informed the Committee that he is a <br />strong supporter of Parks and Recs. <br /> <br />IV. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br /> <br /> <br /> Motion was made by Committee Member Seeley, seconded by Committee Member Waeghe <br />to approve the November 5, 2014 minutes as written. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br /> <br />V. COMMITTEE BUSINESS <br /> <br />