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<br />c. Rink – increase height of fence & cover gap between the boards & fence on <br />north end of rink <br /> <br />d. Rink – increase amount of fencing on the south end <br /> <br />Can be done in the spring: <br /> <br />a. Rink – replace door on south side of rink; bottom is being destroyed by rust <br /> <br />b. Need more rubber mats from warming house to rink. <br /> <br />It was suggested to have Mr. Palzer or a member of his department to do a complete safety check <br />of the area. <br /> <br /> <br />VI. UPDATES <br /> <br /> <br />1.Council Updates – Council Member Steve King ~ No Additional Updates <br /> <br />The lot, adjacent to the water tower, has been sold. A landscaper will be moving <br />his operations to the site, but the City will still have access through there for park <br />maintenance. <br /> <br />The request by this Committee to transfer any remaining unspent funds from the <br />2014 P & R budget to the 2015 budget was approved. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />2. Skate Nights – Saturday, January 10, 2015 & Saturday, February 7, 2015 <br /> <br />This event will be held, even with the unusually cold temperatures. The rink is <br />now being flooded in the evenings rather than in the mornings to allow it time to <br />freeze harder. <br /> <br />The refreshments that will again be offered to participants will be hot cocoa and <br />popcorn. Committee Member Peterson inventoried the supplies of popcorn, oil, <br />bags and hot cocoa and purchase additional items as necessary prior to or the day <br />of the event.. <br /> <br />An article has already been placed in The Citizen, and information was included <br />in the weekly Friday Flash school newsletter the last Friday before the winter <br />break and will be included in the first Friday before the event. In addition it will <br />be requested that the event information be placed on the city website, city hall <br />reader board and by posting flyers. <br /> <br />Committee Member Waeghe presented the flyers for the January Skate Night and <br />will modify it for the February Skate Night/Hayride event. These flyers can be <br />posted in area day care centers, area business, in the Kiosks and on the warming <br />house door, in addition to other suggested locations. He will revise the <br />th <br />information to include the Hay/Sleigh Ride on February 7. <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />