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Appendix E— Definitions <br /> Agricultural Area: Communities that encompass areas with prime agricultural soils that are <br /> planned and zoned for long-term agriculture. Maximum allowable density is 4 units/40 acres. <br /> Aquifer: A saturated geologic formation that will yield a sufficient quantity of water to serve as a <br /> private or public water supply. <br /> Best management practices: A set of recommendations pertaining to the development and <br /> maintenance of varied land uses, aimed at limiting the effects of development, such as soil <br /> erosion and stormwater runoff, on the natural environment. See the Council's Urban Small Sites <br /> Best Management Practices Manual for specific examples of Best Management Practices. <br /> Conservation: The management of natural resources to prevent waste, destruction or <br /> degradation. <br /> Density: The number of dwelling units per net residential acre of land. <br /> Design to average flow ratio: The design average flow is calculated as the product of the long- <br /> term service area times 800 gallons per acre per day. This value represents an annual average <br /> flow from a service area for long-term development. <br /> Design peak average flow: The design peak to average ratio is the ratio of the peak hour flow <br /> used for hydraulic design divided by the design average flow. <br /> Design peak hour flow: The design peak hour flow is calculated as the product of the design <br /> average flow times the LACES specified peak to average ratio. <br /> Developable land: Land that is suitable as a location for structures and that can be developed <br /> free of hazards to, and without disruption of, or significant impact on, natural resource areas. <br /> Diversified Rural: Communities that are home to a variety of farm and nonfarm land uses <br /> including very large-lot residential, clustered housing, hobby farms, and agricultural uses. <br /> Located adjacent to the Emerging Edge Suburban communities, the Diversifies Rural <br /> designation protects rural land for rural lifestyles today with the potential of becoming urbanized <br /> after 2040. Maximum allowable density is 1-2.5 units for existing lots, and 1 unit/10 acres where <br /> possible. <br /> Emerging Suburban Edge: Cities, townships and portions of both that are in early stages of <br /> transitioning into urbanized levels of development. In the majority of these communities, less <br /> than 40% of the land has been developed. Parts of Emerging Suburban Edge communities are <br /> in the MUSA and all have a minimum average net density of 3-5 units/acre. <br /> Excessive I/I: a) 1/1 that results in the communities wet weather flows to be violation of the <br /> Metropolitan Council's established 1/1 goals for the community. b) 1/1 that causes the peak hourly <br /> flow to exceed the value determined by multiplying the average flow by the value of the peak to <br /> average ratio used by MCES to design interceptors and pump stations.c) 1/1 that exceeds 25 <br /> gallons per day per capita on a maximum monthly basis. <br /> 88 <br />