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Appendix C - System Plan Requirements <br /> The Council looks for provisions in a community's comprehensive plan that provides for <br /> wastewater service commensurate with the needs of expected future development. The <br /> Council's requirements for the wastewater, surface water and water supply sections of a <br /> comprehensive plan are listed below. <br /> Appendix C-1: Wastewater System Plan Elements <br /> Under state law, local governments are required to submit both a wastewater plan element to <br /> their comprehensive plan as well as a comprehensive sewer plan describing service needs from <br /> the Council. Before any local government unit in the metro area may proceed with a sewer <br /> extension, the comprehensive sewer plan must be consistent with the Council's Wastewater <br /> System Plan and be approved by the Council. The required information in comprehensive sewer <br /> plan has been broader in scope than the information required for the comprehensive plan and <br /> has provided more detailed engineering information. To simplify this process and allow the <br /> Council to review and approve both documents simultaneously, the Council has combined the <br /> required elements of both plans into the following criteria: <br /> This section is divided into two parts: <br /> f Requirements for communities that are served by the Council's regional system, also <br /> known as the Metropolitan Disposal System. <br /> • Requirements for all other communities (and/or parts of communities) in the region. <br /> Requirements for Areas Served by the Regional System <br /> Adopted community forecast of households and employment in 10-year increments to <br /> 2040, based on the Council's 2040 forecasts with any subsequent negotiated <br /> modifications. <br /> A map or maps showing the following information: <br /> - The communities existing sanitary sewer system identifying lift stations, existing <br /> connections points to the metropolitan disposal system, and the future connection <br /> points for new growth if needed. <br /> - Intercommunity connections and any proposed changes in government boundaries <br /> based on orderly annexation agreements. <br /> - The location of all private and public wastewater treatment plants. <br /> - Each existing or future connection point to the metropolitan disposal system as a <br /> local sewer service district. <br /> • A table or tables that provide the following information: <br /> - Capacity and design flows for existing trunk sewers and lift stations. <br /> - Information on the number of existing and potential connections by local sewer <br /> service district, and projected flow volume in 10-year increments through 2040 and <br /> build-out. There is no preferred method for projecting interceptor flows. Communities <br /> may use the method that is most appropriate, and indicate methodology and <br /> assumptions used. <br /> - Proposed time schedule for the construction of new trunk sewer systems that require <br /> connections to the Metropolitan Disposal System. <br /> 73 <br />