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4. An assessment of existing or potential water resource-related problems. At a minimum, <br /> the plan should include: <br /> - A prioritized assessment of the problems related to water quality and quantity in <br /> the community. <br /> - A list of any impaired waters within their jurisdiction as shown on the current <br /> Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) 303d Impaired Waters. <br /> - If a Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy(WRAPS) or TMDL study has <br /> been completed for the community, the community should include <br /> implementation strategies, including funding mechanisms that will allow the <br /> community to carry out the recommendations and requirements from the WRAPS <br /> or TMDL specific to that community. More information on the MPCA's WRAPS <br /> and TMDL programs can be found on the MPCA's web site at <br /> <br /> - Communities with designated trout streams should identify actions in their plan to <br /> address the thermal pollution effects from development. <br /> - Communities with special waters, such as outstanding resource value waters, <br /> need to meet state requirements for development near these waters <br /> 5. A local implementation program/plan that includes prioritized nonstructural, <br /> programmatic and structural solutions to priority problems identified as part of the <br /> assessment completed for number 4, above. Local official controls must be enacted <br /> within six months of the approval of the local water plan. The program/plan must: <br /> - Include areas and elevations for stormwater storage adequate to meet <br /> performance standards or official controls established in the WMO plan(s) <br /> - Define water quality protection methods adequate to meet performance <br /> standards or official controls. At a minimum, the plan should include: <br /> • Information on the types of best management practices to be used to <br /> improve stormwater quality and quantity. (A five-year establishment <br /> period is recommended for native plantings and bioengineering <br /> practices). <br /> ■ The maintenance schedule for the best management practices. <br /> - Clearly define the responsibilities of the community from that of the WMO(s) for <br /> carrying out the implementation components <br /> - Describe official controls and any changes to official controls. At a minimum, the <br /> plan should include: <br /> • An erosion and sediment control ordinance consistent with NPDES <br /> Construction Stormwater permit requirements and other applicable state <br /> requirements <br /> ■ Identify ways to control runoff rates so that land-altering activities do not <br /> increase peak stormwater flow from the site for a 24-hour precipitation <br /> event with a return frequency of 1 or 2 years. Communities with known <br /> flooding issues may want to require rate control for storms with other <br /> return frequencies (10-year, 25-year or 100-year) <br /> 76 <br />