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Appendix D — Summary of Policies and Implementation Strategies <br /> Water Resources Policy Plan Overall Goal and Policy <br /> Thrive MSP 2040 Water Sustainability Direction: <br /> The region's water resources are sustainable, supported by a regional strategy that balances <br /> growth and protection to improve and maintain the quality and quantity of water in our lakes, <br /> rivers, streams, wetlands and groundwater. <br /> The Council will work with state, local and regional partners to provide for sustainable water <br /> resources through effective water supply, surface water, and wastewater planning and <br /> management. <br /> Water Sustainability Goal: <br /> To protect, conserve and utilize the region's groundwater and surface water in ways <br /> that protect public health, support economical growth and development, maintain <br /> habitat and ecosystem health, and provide for recreational opportunities, which are <br /> essential to our region's quality of life. <br /> Working toward Sustainability using the Watershed Management Approach <br /> Policy on Watershed Approach: <br /> The Council will work with our partners to develop and implement a regional watershed-based <br /> approach that addresses both watershed restoration (improving impaired waters) and protection <br /> (maintaining water quality in unimpaired waters). <br /> Implementation Strategies: <br /> Work with the watershed management structure in the metro area on issues that <br /> transcend watershed organization boundaries in order to prepare water management <br /> plans that promote the protection and restoration of local and regional water resources <br /> (lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands and groundwater). <br /> • Through the review process for comprehensive plans, local water plans, and watershed <br /> management plans, make water resources management a critical part of land use <br /> decisions, planning protocols and procedures to ensure these plans are making <br /> progress toward achieving state and regional goals for protection and restoration of <br /> water resources. <br /> • Provide technical and financial assistance to local governments and other partners on <br /> water issues and water management activities. <br /> • Facilitate discussions on regional water issues that transcend community or watershed <br /> organization boundaries. <br /> • Provide technical information to watershed organizations on practices to use and <br /> incorporate into their plans that protect water quality for our water supply sources <br /> Working toward Sustainability of our Water Supplies <br /> Policy on Sustainable Water Supplies: <br /> 79 <br />