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The Council will work with our partners to identify emerging issues and challenges for the region <br /> as we work together on solutions that include the use of water conservation, wastewater and <br /> stormwater reuse, and low impact development practices in order to promote a more <br /> sustainable region. <br /> Implementation Strategies: <br /> • Identify and pursue options to reuse treated wastewater to supplement groundwater and <br /> surface water as sources of water to support regional growth, when economically <br /> feasible. <br /> • Promote water supply resiliency through the use of stormwater best management <br /> practices that minimize aquifer impacts and maximize groundwater recharge, where <br /> practical. <br /> • Promote water conservation measures, including tool development and outreach. <br /> • Encourage low impact development, land uses, and cooperative water use practices that <br /> minimize impacts on aquifers. <br /> • Investigate reusing treated wastewater, and when cost-effective, implement reuse. <br /> • Provide research and guidance on best management practices to use for effective <br /> surface water management. <br /> • In partnership with others, research and promote the development of innovative best <br /> management practices including low impact development technologies and agricultural <br /> best practices. <br /> • Install and monitor innovative nonpoint source pollution reduction practices at Council <br /> facilities and support economically feasible projects that demonstrate new technologies <br /> and their effectiveness. <br /> Assessment of Regional Water Resources <br /> Policy on Assessing and Protecting Regional Water Resources: <br /> The Council will continue to assess the condition of the region's lakes, rivers, streams, and <br /> aquifers to evaluate impacts on regional water resources and measure success in achieving <br /> regional water goals. <br /> Implementation Strategies: <br /> • With our partners, monitor the quality of regional lakes and rivers and quality and flow of <br /> regional streams. <br /> • Continue to assess and fill gaps in lake, stream, river, and groundwater data. <br /> • Assess and evaluate long-term water quality trends for the region's lakes, streams, and <br /> rivers and identify key issues to be addressed. <br /> • Maintain a regional database that contains water quality, quantity and other water <br /> related information collected as part of the Council's monitoring program. <br /> 83 <br />