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CITY OF CENTERVILLE,MINNESOTA <br /> GENERALFUND <br /> SCHEDULE OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES <br /> BUDGET AND ACTUAL-CONTINUED ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES <br /> FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2014 <br /> (With Comparative Actual Amounts for the Year Ended December 31,2013) <br /> 2014 2013 <br /> Budgeted Amounts Actual Variance with Actual <br /> Original Final Amounts Final Budget Amounts <br /> REVENUES <br /> Taxes <br /> General property $ 1,739,600 $ 1,739,600 $ 1,733,187 $ (6,413) $ 1,751,963 <br /> Gambling 1,000 1,000 3,123 2,123 6,280 <br /> Total 1,740,600 1,740,600 1,736,310 (4,290) 1,758,243 <br /> Licenses and permits <br /> Business 15,000 15,000 16,630 1,630 21,024 <br /> Nonbusiness 85,500 85,500 92,291 6,791 101,970 <br /> Total 100,500 100,500 108,921 8,421 122,994 <br /> Intergovernmental <br /> State <br /> Local government aid 53,444 53,444 53,444 - - <br /> Market value agricultural credit - - 98 98 98 <br /> State grants aid 1,300 1,300 1,333 33 1,333 <br /> Police aid 32,000 32,000 37,928 5,928 34,587 <br /> Fire aid 105,000 105,000 148,347 43,347 148,872 <br /> County-other 17,000 17,000 18,613 1,613 18,322 <br /> Total 208,744 208,744 259,763 51,019 203,212 <br /> Charges for services <br /> General government 1,000 1,000 2,190 1,190 1,235 <br /> Culture and recreation 2,500 2,500 4,260 1,760 4,631 <br /> Other 100 100 70 (30) 23 <br /> Total 3,600 3,600 6,520 2,920 5,889 <br /> Fines and forfeitures 35,000 35,000 23,043 (11,957) 34,828 <br /> Special assessments 18,000 18,000 18,618 618 57,821 <br /> Interest on investments 15,000 15,000 4,050 (10,950) - <br /> Miscellaneous <br /> Refunds and reimbursements 7,000 7,000 19,603 12,603 12,053 <br /> Other 1,500 1,500 5,651 4,151 642 <br /> Total 8,500 8,500 25,254 16,754 12,695 <br /> TOTAL REVENUES 2,129,944 2,129,944 2,182,479 52,535 2,195,682 <br /> -69- <br />