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CITY OF CENTERVILLE,MINNESOTA <br /> GENERAL FUND <br /> SCHEDULE OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES <br /> BUDGET AND ACTUAL-CONTINUED <br /> FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2014 <br /> (With Comparative Actual Amounts for the Year Ended December 31,2013) <br /> 2014 2013 <br /> Budgeted Amounts Actual Variance with Actual <br /> Original Final Amounts Final Budget Amounts <br /> EXPENDITURES-CONTINUED <br /> Current-continued <br /> Public safety <br /> Police protection <br /> Other services and charges $ 689,855 S 689,855 S 680,036 S 9,819 S 676,908 <br /> Fire protection <br /> Remittance to relief association 105,000 105,000 148,347 (43,347) 148,872 <br /> Other services and charges 123,761 123,761 123,720 41 123,650 <br /> Total 228,761 228,761 272,067 (43,306) 272,522 <br /> Building inspection <br /> Personal services 96,000 96,000 101,580 (5,580) 86,360 <br /> Supplies 2,200 2,200 4,280 (2,080) 2,649 <br /> Other services and charges 13,300 13,300 6,908 6,392 11,494 <br /> Total 111,500 111,500 112,768 (1,268) 100,503 <br /> Civil defense <br /> Other services and charges 1,500 1,500 1,229 271 1,658 <br /> Animal control <br /> Other services and charges 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 - <br /> Total public safety 1,032,616 1,032,616 1,066,100 (33,484) 1,051,591 <br /> Public works <br /> Streets <br /> Personal services 125;800 125,800 143,473 (17,673) 132,482 <br /> Supplies 36,700 36,700 24,742 11,958 32,071 <br /> Other services and charges 83,600 83,600 99,817 (16,217) 87,905 <br /> Total 246,100 246,100 268,032 (21,932) 252,458 <br /> Recycling <br /> Personal services 8,800 8,800 8,816 (16) 8,541 <br /> Supplies 100 100 - 100 - <br /> Other services and charges 8,100 8,100 10,005 (1,905) 3,518 <br /> Total 17,000 17,000 18,821 (1,821) 12,059 <br /> -71- <br />