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CITY OF CENTERVILLE,MINNESOTA <br /> NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br /> DECEMBER 31,2014 <br /> Note 3: DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS-CONTINUED <br /> B. Capital assets <br /> Capital asset activity for the governmental activities for the year ended December 31,2014 was as follows: <br /> Beginning Ending <br /> Balance Increases Decreases Balance <br /> Governmental activities <br /> Capital assets not being depreciated <br /> Land $ 3,337,023 $ - $ (158,000) $ 3,179,023 <br /> Construction in progress 1,229,234 91,122 - 1,320,356 <br /> Total capital assets <br /> not being depreciated 4,566,257 91,122 (158,000) 4,499,379 <br /> Capital assets being depreciated <br /> Buildings 1,627,438 - 1,627,438 <br /> Infrastructure 15,582,869 326,733 - 15,909,602 <br /> Machinery and equipment 832,724 80,228 (46,529) 866,423 <br /> Total capital assets <br /> being depreciated 18,043,031 406,961 (46,529) 18,403,463 <br /> Less accumulated depreciation for <br /> Buildings (729,746) (37,290) - (767,036) <br /> Infrastructure (5,095,528) (861,590) (5,957,118) <br /> Machinery and equipment (563,800) (45,080) 46,529 (562,351) <br /> Total accumulated depreciation (6,389,074) (943,960) 46,529 (7,286,505) <br /> Total capital assets <br /> being depreciated,net 11,653,957 (536,999) - 11,116,958 <br /> Governmental activities <br /> capital assets,net $ 16,220,214 $ (445,877) $ (158,000) $ 15,616,337 <br /> Depreciation expense was charged to functions/programs of the governmental activities as follows: <br /> Governmental activities <br /> General government $ 14,245 <br /> Public safety 2,339 <br /> Public works 818,252 <br /> Culture and recreation 109,124 <br /> Total depreciation expense-governmental activities $ 943,960 <br /> -56- <br />