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CITY OF CENTERVILLE,MINNESOTA <br /> NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br /> DECEMBER 31,2014 <br /> Note 3: DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS-CONTINUED <br /> Construction commitment <br /> As of December 31,2014,the City has signed contracts in place for one construction project. The following summarizes <br /> this commitment: <br /> Spent Remaining <br /> Project to Date Commitment <br /> 2013 Street and Utility Improvements $1,395,538 $ 150,658 <br /> C. Interfund balances and transfers <br /> The composition of internal balance as of December 31,2014 is as follows: <br /> Receivable Fund Payable Fund Amount <br /> Due to/from other funds <br /> Sewer Park $ 65,935 <br /> Sewer Storm water 23,000 <br /> Total due to/from other funds 88,935 <br /> Advance to/from other funds <br /> Sewer Park 1,075,876 <br /> Sewer Storm water 21,985 <br /> Total advances to/from other funds 1,097,861 <br /> Subtotal of interfund balances 1,186,796 <br /> Interfund activity eliminated from government-wide statements (44,985) <br /> Total internal balances-government-wide statements $ 1,141,811 <br /> All of the above interfund advances have associated amortization schedules,of which current payments are being made. <br /> Interfund transfers <br /> The composition of interfund transfers for the year ended December 31,2014 is as follows: <br /> Transfer In <br /> Other <br /> Fund Governmental <br /> Transfer out <br /> General $ 223,000 <br /> • A transfer of$54,000 from the General fund to other government funds is for future replacement of equipment, <br /> vehicles,and computers in the near future. <br /> • A transfer of$169,000 from the General fund to other government funds is for future street maintenance <br /> projects. <br /> _58- <br />