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CITY OF CENTERVILLE,MINNESOTA <br /> NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br /> DECEMBER 31,2014 <br /> Note 3: DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS-CONTINUED <br /> Changes in long-term liabilities <br /> During the year ended December 31,2014,the following changes occurred in noncurrent liabilities: <br /> Beginning Ending Due Within <br /> Balance Increases Decreases Balance One Year <br /> Governmental activities <br /> G.O Bonds $ 9,550,000 $ - $ (855,000) $ 8,695,000 $ 880,000 <br /> Compensated absences <br /> payable 36,931 38,312 (41,265) 33,978 28,373 <br /> Governmental activities <br /> long-term liabilities $ 9,586,931 $ 38,312 $ (896,265) $ 8,728,978 $ 908,373 <br /> Business-type activities <br /> Compensated absences <br /> payable $ 15,715 $ 18,075 $ (17,103) $ 16,687 $ 15,610 <br /> E. Fund equity <br /> At December 31,2014,portions of the City's fund balance are not available for appropriation due to not being in <br /> spendable form(Nonspendable),legal restrictions(Restricted),policy and/or intent(Assigned). The following is a <br /> summary of the components of fund balance: <br /> Other <br /> Debt Governmental <br /> General Service Park Funds Total <br /> Nonspendable <br /> Prepaid items $ 1,272 $ 23,797 $ - $ $ 25,069 <br /> Restricted for <br /> Debt service - 1,775,752 - - 1,775,752 <br /> Street projects - - - 165,065 165,065 <br /> Cable TV - - - 20,403 20,403 <br /> Assigned for <br /> Street projects - - - 8,365 8,365 <br /> Street maintenance - - - 247,653 247,653 <br /> Capital equipment - - - 9,017 9,017 <br /> Capital projects - - - 15,838 15,838 <br /> Unassigned 1,317,741 - (1,103,264) - 214,477 <br /> Total $ 1,319,013 $ 1,799,549 $(1,103,264) $ 466,341 $ 2,481,639 <br /> -60- <br />