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(2) No more than two honey bee colonies shall be allowed, <br /> (3) Hives shall be setback from property lines a minimum of 25 feet, <br /> (4) Applicant must document at least 16 hours of training in beekeeping, and <br /> (5) The colony shall be maintained in good order and not be a nuisance to any member of the public. <br /> (C)Compliance with section. Anyone keeping or maintaining any animal prohibited by this chapter as of <br /> January 1, 2012, has 30 days in which to comply with the provisions of this section. Extensions beyond <br /> 30 days may be granted by the city council in its sole discretion for animals that have been previously <br /> permitted by the city. <br /> §90.03. FARM ANIMALS. <br /> (A)Farm animals shall only be kept in an agricultural district of the city or on a residential lot of at least ten <br /> acres in size, and provided that no animal shelter shall be within 300 feet of an adjoining piece of <br /> property. Animal feedlots as defined in MN Rule 7020.03 are prohibited. <br /> (B)Backyard Chickens. Notwithstanding other provisions of this Chapter, a person may keep up to four(4) <br /> female chickens on a parcel that they own that is less than ten acres in size, provided that the owner has <br /> a lot with a minimum of 10,000 square feet, and obtains a backyard chicken permit from the City. No <br /> permit shall be issued except in compliance with this Section. <br /> (1)Definitions. <br /> COOP means the structure for the keeping or housing of chickens permitted by the <br /> ordinance. <br /> HEN means a female chicken. <br /> ROOSTER means a male chicken. <br /> RUN means a fully-enclosed and covered area attached to a coop where the chickens can <br /> roam unsupervised. <br /> (2) Any person desiring to obtain a backyard chicken permit under this subdivision must make a <br /> written application to the City Clerk on a form provided by the City and pay an application fee. <br /> Fees to be charged for the permit to keep chickens shall be set by City Council on the fee <br /> schedule. The application must include a scaled diagram or site plan that shows the location of <br /> the chicken coop including the distance of the coop from adjoining structures and property lines <br /> and the coop's dimensions. <br /> 41 <br />