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City of Centerville <br /> Council Meering Minutes <br /> June 24,2015 <br /> Administrator Ericson reported that he and Mr. Suski attended a Minnesota DEED Shovel Ready <br /> meeting recently and that Mr. Suski's attendance provided a different perspective due to the fact <br /> that he is a real estate broker. <br /> 2. Council & Staff Reports <br /> Engineer Statz reported that the downtown concrete removal will be completed by the following <br /> day with bituminous being placed immediately following the removal. Engineer Statz also <br /> reported that Centerville Road would be paved on Friday of the week or Monday of the <br /> following week weather dependent with the second lift of asphalt being placed in late July. <br /> Engineer Statz stated that the County has determined for workers safety to keep the roadway <br /> closed until work is complete on all other items prior to opening the roadway. <br /> Engineer Statz also reported that the pavement at Heritage Street and Sorel Street will remain <br /> until the surface can be milled and the final lift is placed on Centerville Road. <br /> Engineer Statz also reported that the City is in receipt of a letter from FEMA and it should be <br /> placed on Council next agenda for discussion. <br /> Council Member King stated that North Metro Telecommunication Commission continues to <br /> work with Century Link regarding a franchise agreement. <br /> Mayor Wilharber reported that Saturday, June 27, 2015 Centennial Fire District would be <br /> holding their 30'b Anniversary Open House at Station 2 in Lino Lakes from 10:00 a.m. — 3:00 <br /> p.m. <br /> Mayor Wilharber also reported that the next scheduled Fire Steering meeting would be taking <br /> place on July 9, 2015 at Station 2 in Lino Lakes and that interviews for a new Fire Chief had <br /> taken place. <br /> Mayor Wilharber stated that there was a tremendous turnout for the recent clean up days and <br /> suggested that Staff work diligently to recapture additional items that were entering the waste <br /> stream such as mattresses and furniture. Administrator Ericson stated that an upcoming meeting <br /> was going to be held to discuss such issues and an additional fall cleanup with neighboring <br /> communities. <br /> Council Member Love stated that the annual Fete des Lacs parade would be taking place on <br /> Saturday, July 25, 2015 and individuals or groups were welcome to register for no fee. <br /> Mayor Wilharber recessed the regularly scheduled meeting at 6:45 p.m. <br /> XI. WORK SESSION <br /> 1. Ms. Stacy Kvilvang, Ehlers—(Update/EDA) <br /> Discussion was held regarding the Economic Development Authority, encouraging landowners <br /> to secure DEED Shovel Ready status, completion of an American Land Title Association <br /> Page 3 of 4 <br /> 52 <br />