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<br />^' <br /> <br />04/09/03 WED 09:36 R~1 612 784 0062 CIRCLE PINES-LEX PD <br /> <br />L~('rj1ofl No~~ <br /> <br />~~~ CV CITY HALL <br /> <br />III 017 <br /> <br />, .. <br /> <br />,- <br /> <br />SECTION 11.60. ~ERFORMANCE STANDARDS. <br /> <br />Subd.. 1. In tent. 'I'he$$ perfo:r:mance standards are <br />aesigned such to encourage a hi;h standard of development by <br />p~oviding assur~~ce that n$ighbor~ng land u~e. will be <br />compatible. . Tb.sse standards are !:l.lso designed to eliminate <br />blight. All future development in all districts $hall be <br />required to meet these st~nQards. These $tanda;I:'ds shall also <br />apply to 8xict1ng de~elopments where stated. <br /> <br />SUbd. 2. Glare. Any li~hting use~ to illuminate an <br />off-street pa.x~lUng area, sign or other structure, shall be <br />arranged 50 as to deflect light away from adjoining <br />residential districts or from nublic S~r6Qts. <br />. . <br /> <br />Su~d. :3. storage and Oi.QPo!'.;~ of Cherrdca.J..s.. All <br />commercial an,:i. industrial Uses associated wi. th the bulk <br />storage of ()il t gasoline, liquid. fertilizer or other <br />haza.rdouS! materials ~hall require a conditional use ~ermi. t. <br />and compliance with all State and local life safety <br />agency regula't.ion$ in order that the Council may have <br />assurance that fire, explosion, or water or soil <br />contamination ha%a.rds are not ~resent thatwoulr.:l be <br />detrirrLental to the public health, safety, and welfare. All <br />r.:lisposal operations sh.all be in compliance with appropriata <br />State, County, and Federal regulat~o~s. <br /> <br />Subd. .il. N'll:i.sances. No noise, odors, v.ibraticn, <br />smoke, air pollution, liquid or solid .rastes, heat, glare. <br />dU5t, or other. adverse influence$ $hallbe parmi t:ted that: <br />will in any way have an objectionable effect upon adjac~nt or <br />nearby propert:r. <br /> <br />A. No.:ise. It is unlawful to mak~, continua <br />or caus~ to be made or continued. enynoise in excess of the <br />noise levels $et forth unless such noise be reasonably <br />n~oessary to 1:he preserva.tion of life. health, safety, or <br />property. <br /> <br />1. Measurement of N01.S8. Any actiVity <br />which cr~a.tes or produces sound rega.rdless of frequency <br />exceeding t]:le ambient noi.e levels a.t the prope~ty line Of <br />any property by more than $j,;.c; deeibel$. abo1J'e the ambient; <br />noise levels a~; designated :in the fallowing table, shall be a <br />violation. <br /> <br />-206- <br />