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<br />04/09/03 WED 00:35 ~~ 612 784 0082 <br /> <br />CIRCLE PINES-LEX PD <br /> <br />........ CV (~ITY HALL <br /> <br />~014 <br /> <br />Gathe;dngs. No ''Oerscn aha,II participate i~ ;.ny party or <br />other gathering of people ~ivin~ rise ~c noise which <br />unreasonably disturbs the peace, quiet or repcse of another <br />person. When a police officer deterInines that a gathe.!:"ing <br />is creat~~g such a noise disturbance, the officer may order <br />all persons present, othex than any owner or tenant of the <br />prert'l.ises where the disturbance is oCl.:urring r to d.isperse <br />i~~ediat~ly. No person shall refuse tq, leave after being <br />ordered by a polics officer to do so. Every owner or tenant <br />of such premises vlho h&s knowlectge of tha disturbance sllall <br />make every reasonable effort to see that the di5t~rbance is <br />stopped. <br /> <br />Subd. 8 '. Loudspeakers,' Amplifiers for Adverti~ing. <br />No person shal:L operate or permit the use or operation' of <br />any loudspea.ker, sound ampl.ifier or other device for the <br />production or reproduction of sound on a street or other <br />public place fClr the purpose of corrmercial adve:t'tisement or <br />attracting the, attention at the public to any cornrr,ercial <br />establi5r~ent or vehicle. <br /> <br />Subd. 9 Schools, Churches, Hospitals, Etc. person <br />shall create .amy excessive noise on a street, allsy or <br />public grounds adjacent to any school, institution of <br />learning, church, hospital or senior housing facility when <br />the noise unreasonably interferes with the worjdng of the <br />institution or dis'Curbs or unduly annoys its occupan1;s or <br />re~idents. <br /> <br />730.02 <br /> <br />Eou=ly ~estriction5 on Ce~tain Operations. <br /> <br />.subd. 1 Recrea~ional Ve~icles. No person shall, <br />between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., driy~ or <br />operate any l:8c.:ceational motor vehicle, as defined in <br />Minnesota Statutes ~84.90, or any successor provisions, <br />which are not licensed for travel ,on public highways. This <br />provi~ion sha]'l not apply to snowmobiles, ',;hich are <br />separately re~ulated by the City. <br /> <br />Subd. 2 Domestic POwer Equipment. No person Shall <br />operate a p01J-Jer. law!': mower, power hedge clipperf chain sa'tlf <br />mulcher, garden tiller, edger" drill or o'!:her similar <br />domestic pc~er maintenance equipment except betwee~ the <br />hou.:co of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on any weekend or holiday. <br />Equipment being used to .remove snOl.v" is exempt from this <br />provision. <br /> <br />Chapter 7 <br /> <br />26 <br />