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<br />04/09/03 WED 09:31 FAX 612 784 0082 <br />ICR for Case 01272008 <br /> <br />CIRCLE PINES/l.EXINGTON POl.ICE DEPARTMENT <br />20D CIVIC HEIGHTS CIR, CIRCL.E PINES, MN 55449 <br />CLASSiFICATION CODe <br />NEIGHBORHOOD DISPUTE OSB06 <br />CLa.SSIFICATION CODE <br /> <br />CIRCLE PINES-LEX PD <br /> <br />Hot CV CITY HALL III 009 <br />Page 1 of2 <br /> <br />I JeFf <br />I ADO'L PAGES\ <br />!;lISP Cl..ASSIFlCATlON <br />S <br />OISP CLASSIFICATION <br /> <br />CASe NUM8 ER <br />01272008 <br /> <br />CODE <br /> <br />DISP <br /> <br />CODE <br /> <br />DISP <br /> <br />CLASSIFICATION <br /> <br />COOl: <br /> <br />DIS? CLASSIFICATION <br /> <br />CODE <br /> <br />DISP <br /> <br />REFORTING OFFICER(S) <br />14828 BERNARDY DALE N <br />DATE REPORTED IASSIGNED I ARRIVE!:) I CLSAREO I EARLlEST DA iE/TIME OCCURRED ! LATEST DA TElfiME OCCURReD <br />12J19/2001 2057 12058 12102 1 12/19f2.001 8:57:QO PM 1 12119120Q1 8:57:00 PM <br />LOCATION OF OFFEN8EIINCIDt::NT I APT II I GRID IVALUt: STOLEN VALUE DAMAGED I VALUE :~ECMReD <br />7097 CENTERVILLE RD, CENTERVILLE, MN 55038- I SACK I 06 $ $ $ <br />AlJ I REPORTING PARTY'S NAME ItlATI!CFBIRTH ISEX I RACE HOME PHONe <br />I APRIL MAE JERECEZK 4/18/1979 IF W 661.762-3602. <br />ADCRESS I ASPT CITY I STATE ZIP WORK PHONE <br />7095 CENTERVILLE RD I. CENTERVILLE I MN 55038- - - <br />NARRATIVE <br /> <br />On 12/19/011 was called to the above address for a neighbor banging on the callers door. This inoident appeared to be related to ICR <br />01271983.1 was conducting routine resl'dantial patrol on Meadow Court when the call was CHspatChed and I responded as quickly as posslbl@ <br />in an attempt to catch the person knocking on tlie door. <br /> <br />I arrlvecj and noted the Juvenile male who lives in the lower apartment standing at the csller':s door. I didn't iD the juvenile mafe but I know <br />where he lives from Ptlst contact. The juvenile advised that he was knocking on AprU'a door. The jUlJenile advised me that A.prilleft her laundry <br />in both machines and he wanted to do his laundry. The Juvenile advised that clothIng often gets stolen and he didn't want to be accused of <br />taking her property. <br /> <br />The juvenile advised that he couldn't get anyone to answer the door. The juvenile was aware that I was at the residence earlier and he ~old me <br />that he didn't wam to make too much noiae because he thought April was already shook up. The juvenile adVised that I'iS didn't see Smith in <br />the area. <br /> <br />I knocked on the doer and couldn't gat anyonEl to answer the door, I knocked on her door and advised that I was the police, again no one <br />would answer the door. I shined my fiashlight into the windows ofthe apartment and again knocked on the door announcing my self atJj no <br />one would answer the door. I had to contact dispatch to call into the residence to have April answer thl!l door, <br /> <br />When I ~poke with April she advised that Smith was banging on her door again. April advised that this occurred Shortty a~er I left tha address. <br />APr!! advi~d that she thought that Smith was goIng to break down the door. I asked April if she saw Smith at the door. April advised she <br />refused to leave the upstairs of t~e apartment. April ~dl/ised that she didn't want Smith to 5ee her, <br /> <br />1 advised April that the juvenile from the lowl~r apartment was knocking on the doar, I advised April that it appeared she left her laundry in the <br />mschlnes and the male was going to advise her so she would move the laundry. , advised April that the juvenile knocked on the door for <br />$everal minutes and was stlU there when \ arrived. The juvenile apoiogized to April and told her thet he didn't mean to get her up5et and was <br />attempting to knock as quietly as possible te get her attention. <br /> <br />April then advised that Smith also called her after I left and swore at her for calling the police. April also advised that Smith had threatened to <br />kill her over the pllOne for calling the police. April advised that no method or specific intent to carry out the threat was made to her. <br /> <br />The juvenH~ male requested that April remove her clothing frem the laundry machines and she refused, April adviGel;l that she wasn't going to <br /> her apartment stating that Smith "might be out there." April gave me juvenile permission to remove her clothing. <br /> <br />I advised April that frem the time framE! involved it appeared that Smith wasn't knocking on her door. April stated that she undarstood. The <br />juvenile male advised that he wasn't knocking on the door hard and he appeared to be surprised that i received a complaint from Aprii. <br /> <br />I cleared the call since it appeared that April was upset over the juve!1ile knocking on her door. No contact was made with Smith since AprU <br />was accusing her of knocking on the deor when It appearSlhat sha wasn't. No investigation 10 follow. <br /> <br />Scene cleared. <br /> <br />D. Bernardy #117 <br />CLPD <br /> <br />http://156.142.213 . 1 69/icr.asp?Case_Number=o01272008&Jurisdiction=:M::N'0020300 <br /> <br />4i9/2003 <br />