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<br />V'" VOl V" IT.eLI \l~; JU l'~'l.X 612 i84 0082 <br />lea tor Case 01271983 <br /> <br />CIRCLE PINES/LEXINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />200 CIVIC HEIGHTS CIR, CIRCLE PINES, MN 55449 <br />CLIl.SSIFICATION COOE <br />NEIGHBORHOOD DISPUTE 09806 <br />CLASSiFICATION CODE <br /> <br />ClASSiFICATION <br /> <br />GIRCLE PINES-LEX PD ~~~ CV CITY HALL @OO7 <br /> Page 1 of2 <br /> I JCF I CAS!! NUMBER <br /> r ADD'l PAGESI 101271983 <br />OISF' CLASSIPICAi!ON CODe DISP <br />S <br />OISP CLASSIFICATION CODE [lISP <br />DISP CLASSIFICATION CODE DISP <br /> <br />CODE <br /> <br />RePORTING OfFICeR(S) <br />1482$ BERNARDY, DALE N <br /> <br />OA TE REPORTED I ASSIGNED IARRIVED I CLEARED 1 all.Rl.IEST DATErrlME OCCURRED ItA TEST DA '"EITlME OCCURRED <br />12/19/2001 12020 2022 12042 112119120018:20:00 PM 112119/20018:20:00 PM <br />LOCATiON OF OFFENSE/INCIDENT /APT# IGRIO IVAWI: STOLI:N "VALUE DAMAr~I:D rVALUE RECOVERED <br />7097 CENTERVILLE RD, CENTERVILLE, MN 65038. BACK 06 $ $ $ <br /> <br />AfJ 'REPORTING PAR1Y'S NAMe ., Oil. iE OF SrR1'H 'SEX I RAce HOME PHONE <br />APRIL MAE JERECEZK 14/18/1979 I F I W 651.762.3602 <br /> <br />ADDRESS IA3PT CITY STArE /llP WORK PHONE <br />7095 CENTERVILLE RD I. CENTERVILLI: MN 155038- <br /> <br />NARRAflV1: <br /> <br />On 12/19/01 I was called 'Oy dispatch to t'le ,lbo'le address regarding a neighbor dispute. I was advised lhat the neighbor was banging on the <br />ooor and looking though the window to ths apartment. <br /> <br />I arrived at the front of the residence and didn't see anyone outside the buildIng. I wasn't aware that the complaint was coming from the back <br />apartment I knocked on the door to the lower apartment and a young male answered t,e door. ! know the male as the son to the female who <br />rents the apartment <br /> <br />I asked if they were having problems with tho neighbor, The male and Richards advised that there wasn't a problem at the residence. Richards <br />advised me that the call probably came from the ~ar apartment. Ricf1ards was rolling her eyes as she made the statement. <br /> <br />I went 10 the back apar1ment of the buIldIng !md made contact with Aprfl, April advised that she was the caller. r advised April that I was not <br />aware the building was a three-plex and that' wa$lalking to the reSident in the lower apartment. <br /> <br />April advised that her neighbor from the upper apartment, Smith, was at her deor and nearly knocked her door in from banging on it. April <br />advised thaI Smith was upset because the door to the laundry roem was locKe(!, April admitted that she locked the door to 1t'ifllaundry rcom, <br />The laundry room door Is also the rear entry door to the building which is the entrance door for the back apartment. <br /> <br />April ac/vised that Smith was oangJng on the door extremely hard and she believed that Smith was going to break down the door. April refused <br />to spel!lk with me until after the I entered her apartment and she locked the door. April advised that her lease doesn't state when the laundry <br />room is closed and she was lOCKing the door to keep people frem usIng the faciHtles during the night. ! adVised AprH !hat toe laundry problem <br />was a civil issue and :she n~~ded to contact her caretaker regarding the problem. Apr~ advised that her oaretaker had already contacted her <br />and advised her to les.vG the laundry room open. <br /> <br />I advised April that I would speak with Smith regarding tha banging at her door but it appeared that she was only attempting to make contact <br />with her regardIng her lockin9 the laundry room door. ! again advised April tI1at the laundry issue is a civil matter. April stated that ~he didn't <br />want Smith making any future contact with her, i advised April that I would speak with Smith. <br /> <br />I spoke with Smith, Smith advised that she did bang on April's door regarding the laundry roem being loeked, Smilt1 stated that she attempted <br />to make contact with April and she refused to open the door. <br /> <br />Smlm advised that she yelled at her to not look the door anymore, I advised Smtth that April had been contacted by the caretaker and was told <br />to not lock me door. ; advised Smitt11hat she shouldn1 have made contact with April and that future Gontact could re3ult in charges against her, <br />Smith advised that she only made contact with April because the doer was looked after she had complained te the oaretaker. Smith adVised <br />that she would leave April alone, <br /> <br />The nalghbor dispute occurred from Aprl! locking the door to the laundry room without consent of the caretaker. ) spoke with Smith and <br />advised her that AprH was upeet that she was banging and yelling at her through the door and she didn't wanl any contact with her. Smith <br />advised that she WOUIO leave April alana, No investigation to follow, <br /> <br />Scene cleared. <br /> <br />D, Eemardy #117 <br /> <br />'?Case._.NumbeFO 1271983&Jurisdiction=lY1N0020300 <br /> <br />4/9/2003 <br />