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<br />\: <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />Effective: 4J23/97 <br />City ofCenterville Ord. #63 <br /> <br />0. <br /> <br /> <br />~COlifPIAture on File) <br />Ry-Chel Gaustad. City Clerk <br /> <br />Published in the Quad Community Press on May 20, 1997 <br /> <br />EXf..MPLE <br />I'" WARNINC <br /> <br />The City ef CeBterville has a spftBlElillg baR ill eWeet e~;ery year begieniBg :May 1 dlFeugh <br />SeptelMer 1 as listed beltw... This baR ealy affeets resi6eBts aRd water seuree5 eeBBeetecI to tile <br />City water systeHi. The baR is related to Y0l:ll' lteuse a4dress. <br /> <br />1. TheFe will be D9 wateriBg ill tile City ('9B tile Cestetville Water System), 9dd 9f eves <br />atWresses, betWeeB tile heurs sf 10:00 a.m. 8IHl (;:00 p.1Il <br /> <br />2. The edtlleveB AJle applies t9 the 1l96fS befefe 19:00 a.m. 8IHl after (;:00 p.m. AU <br />PF6p~ with aR ac:Ic:Iress that eads witll ill aR add IRHBber may be spriBIded befere <br />10:00 a.m ami. (;:00 p.m. 9ft 9dd ll1HBbered tiays (i.e. 1-;01-1'11, de.). Pf'9~ witIl <br />aR _dress that emIs witll ill aR ty.;eB D1:Hftber may be spritIkled ber9re 10:00 a.m. 9D ., <br />1.. .a_ . .. tit ~ . <br />a\ aays (I.e. 2 ;4 , ete.J. . <br /> <br />3~ AD reMdeats may water their laWBS ami gBfdeBS 9ft aRY day after (;:00 p.m. <br /> <br />4.L New IaWR sed aBdIer lawB seed is Hemp! fer twe weelEs after iBstaIlati9B; Y9U eaR mIX <br />water 00tIl9dd aRd e\"eB Jlin.witlt NO W f...TBRING FROM 19:00 AM. t9 (;:00 P.M. <br /> <br />S.!,. TIlere will be enly eRe wriUeB "MU'BiBg far -AelatefS ef$e spriBlding resmetieBs. The <br />seeertd vielatieB eanies a penalty ef S50 tile first tiay aRd S50 eaell fellowiBg tiay <br />. tllereder. <br /> <br />6.i,. The CeBtefvHle Water DepartmeBt is to sIlut atf water at tile skeet feltewmg the third <br />vielatieB UBtiI suelt time as tile prepelty 0WBer eemplies witB the restfieBeBs. f.. $25 slmt <br />eft" aml $25 tum of fee will be a6de8 to tile peB8lties. <br /> <br />THIS IS }... W ARNlNGI <br /> <br />Please fellew'this water res8ieti9B eaFefuUy. Water Y0l:ll' la'Wil wisely. We want to be able to <br />sefVe eVeFyeae equally. Y 9l:H' ooopelaUeft will be -.'ery mueh. appr-eeiated. <br /> <br />Ifyeu .-;e aRY ~s, pleaseeall tile CeBtefvHle City Hall at ((;51) 429 32~2. <br /> <br />ThaBk yeu fur yeur eeep<<aSeB ill tis matter. <br /> <br />Page2of4 <br />