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Res. #15-030 <br /> A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING PATRICK BRANCH FOR HIS YEARS OF <br /> DEDICATED PUBLIC SERVICE ON THE CENTERVILLE PARKS & <br /> RECREATION COMMITTEE <br /> WHEREAS, Mr. Pat Branch was first appointed to the Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> by the City Council on December 26, 2007, and <br /> WHEREAS, Mr. Pat Branch has served the citizens of Centerville from December 26, <br /> 2007—July 26, 2015 as a Parks &Recreation Committee Member, and <br /> WHEREAS, Mr. Pat Branch has provided excellent leadership, demonstrated initiative <br /> and perseverance through difficult budget/economic times, and <br /> WHEREAS, Mr. Pat Branch was appointed Chair by his peers in 2010 and continued to <br /> serve in that capacity until his volunteered resignation in 2014; and <br /> WHEREAS, Mr. Pat Branch is a leader that is respected by his fellow Committee <br /> Members, City staff and elected officials he has served with. As a colleague, he has <br /> always treated his fellow Committee Members with respect and valued their opinions <br /> even when they disagreed with him, and <br /> WHEREAS, the Council recognizes that when an individual serves, so serves their <br /> family and the Council recognizes and acknowledges their sacrifices. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF <br /> CENTERVILLE, MINNESOTA, expresses its regrets to seeing him leave this <br /> honorable service; but, wishes him and his family well. We thank him for his dedication <br /> to the community as he has served others through his choices. The City of Centerville <br /> wishes you every success in your future. You will truly be missed. <br /> Adopted by the Council this 23rd day of September, 2015. <br /> Tom Wilharber, Mayor <br /> Attested: <br /> Teresa Bender—City Clerk <br /> L- <br />