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<br />Ms. Moore-Sykes explained that it was pulled from the agenda because the wording of <br />the motion was confusing and sent back to the Parks and Recreation Committee for <br />clarification. <br /> <br />Mayor Sweeney indicated that the only way the City could invest money for a Parks and <br />Recreation Coordinator, even part-time, would be to attempt to find the funds for it in <br />next year's budget. He then said he would like to look at working with Lino Lakes to <br />utilize their Parks Department -as a joint powers arrangement. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra indicated she had called all of the Parks and Recreation <br />Committee members except for Ms. DeVine because she did not have the right telephone <br />number for her to ask what they desired. She then said she does not think it is the time to <br />hire another employee and would like to see if there is someone who would want to work <br />as a paid volunteer for a stipend to coordinate recreation for the City. <br /> <br />Mayor Sweeney indicated the City has a good little league and soccer program and he <br />does not want to reinvent the programs that are already working, but would like to see a <br />pony league football program. <br /> <br />Ms. DeVine asked who would be coordinating that. Council Member Broussard Vickers <br />indicated the City doeS not have money in the budget and said if the money was there, <br />she would have approved it two years ago. She then said she would .like to contact Lino <br />Lakes and ask them for a proposal for providing contract services to the City. <br /> <br />Council Member Lee indicated that he has a good relationship with Barry from LiD.o <br />Lakes and offered to contact him concerning this matter. ~e then said that Parks and <br />Recreation does not desire to recreate or replace what is existing but wants to enhance <br />what is already available. <br /> <br />Council Member Lee commented that he could have saved all the Parks and Recreation <br />Committee Members and Council Member Capra time if she had contacted him <br />concerning the wishes of the Committee as he is the liaison. <br /> <br />A resident in attendance asked whether the City does anything with Anoka County in the <br />County Park. Mayor Sweeney indicated lifeguards are offered at the beach, but the park ....J <br />is not finished, this is only the first phase. Council Member Capra indicated there ~ ~ "b <br />kayaking, canoeing and once a month there is day in the parIflwith Wargo Nature Center. <br />c- /(' VJlb - .' <br />Ms. DeVine asked for clarification on procedures and protocol because she does not <br />understand why when the Committee makes a recommendation it is removed from .the <br />agenda by Staff. She then suggested that Staff could review the tape from the meeting if <br />there was confusion about the motion. - <br /> <br />Ms. Moore-Sykes indicated the motion did not reflect the discussion and she was not sure <br />what the request was so she removed it from the agenda as she did not feel she could <br />adequately explain it to Council. She further indicated she had sent it back to. the <br /> <br />Page 12 of17 <br />