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<br />.~., .......... "....,~...uuCll,\.\\',l.w1h.~.u.\.~,.~'\....\'i;:.~~.:...\..~\...\l.~~.l.\~\t',\li:.l~~h\t~t.1!J;\h\li~\\.~~:.;,\U\l.~.~",).b~-.i.~'.:..:h~':)\;;'~' .:\~~tl~:\'''::.\'~",,~\4..\Ul'4'..,\'.\t\..i:~:'.,.\._~>~:.>;O...',:tt'.:j~::"':'~~""~'~:\~~...~~~~'~'l~~Ui.wa.'U';,~'.~~\Ut.\-.:'llli,\;\\\,:lt\;,>l!'t,;t\\'!\t'h.;..U\Ql\b\.\\'.\\i1\i\\ <br />.. <br /> <br />'- <br /> <br />that they even tried to nest. Egg sheDs found under nesting trees iOOil',ated that at least some <br />herons tried to nest but no evidence was found that any eggs hatched. The scarcity of sheDs <br />found under trees containing nests and the absence of eggs or young found in nests by climbers <br />suggests that no serious fle.4tting efforts occurred, despite the lengthy presence of the birds at <br />nests. The weak: effort of the birds to gather nest materials, as coinpared with previous years, <br />supports this weak effort hypothesis. <br /> <br />Some people have blamed the Bald Eagle for the desertions. There is an eagle nest on the <br />island this year which is surrounded by trees with heron nests. During my many visits to the <br />heronry, I saw eagles almOst eveiy time but never saw a threatening act toward the herons by the <br />eagles or any concern evidenced by the herons when an eagle flew over or landed in their midst. <br />The tree climber checked the eagles' nest and the ground beneath the tree but found no evidence <br />of the eagles preying on herons or egrets. <br /> <br />... ~ <br />The loss of production of young in this colony dUring this 3-year period totals several <br />thousand, a serious blow to the colonial nesting population of the metro area and state and a <br />deplorable fiW.ure of 1mIfU\8ement.The adults are alive to try again but will they try again at a <br />place they have :tailed three times? Or, they can move to a new location but where? Ideal sites <br />like Peltier IsJand are rare to non-existent. .. <br /> <br />.......:.......~ . <br /> <br />....... ;. . <br /> <br />.,. <br /> <br />-.J <br />