<br /> 8UMMARY Bt)S Public Comment Period Ordinance Na 15.20 NOTICE OF PUBLIC Ordinance No.16-21
<br /> Bid e2o15.26 Bunker Chain of Lakes Amending Ordinance No.13-06 COMMENT PERIOD M ardlnahos porteidnp
<br /> Description of FP. Regional Trall Nana reletlngtoths mubrshmemaanAasi"m PmoO forthetepekanN Notice Is hereby a(—that to h0u°of operation for
<br /> Bids hwlbd Anoka Master Plan memerd of msldmtllal WNW web and Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systema the Anoka County Hous- lOwfAd liquor n°n'bdo>a
<br /> County Hoye NO. SP The County of Anoka 6),adding an Article 11-470 to to Ham Lake CRY Code, Ing and Redevelopment calkg will Nuor and who
<br /> 0a2-010-030, CBAH will be r Whit pudic N ardsined by the City Council of the City of Ham Lake.Anoka County,Minnesota, AulherlY (HRA) Is offer- apuawns:
<br /> 16 (Broadw Ave. comments from July 10, u own: Ing apheas the oppOrbO•The CRY Council of tha Cly
<br /> NE) and OR (Kett 2015 to ALIOU31 7, 2015 inane No.13-o0 k amwW*d to r"NIAM*11-478 era le fanwmbered Ba folowe: 30 to make comments eproposed
<br /> lar 0f Hem lake hereby Or-
<br /> River .BW I Won on the pr�ossd master 1t 70 SUBSURFACE SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM(GOTS)AND WELL VATER 30 drys nal the imposed Adida�.Mowa;
<br /> Recadtru tlon PnOjed, plan for Bunker Chain of an Ry Dad o the Com-Artistes of a 7Ham and
<br /> Roundabout, of Lakes Regional Tral,which PROGRAM Gundy Cly5G)M201 Bock 7-ty C e tld Hem Lake
<br /> Columbus.An County conneak the Anoka County
<br /> to Me euilorly of aleahesda elataes Chapter 115.57,the Cay of Nem Lake Grein(CABG)2015 Pre• Cly Code are hereby re-
<br /> MN regional trell system WOO, he by establishes Me following 88TS NO Vial Loan PfDWM The Program IS h-Oram YberAoion Pau. pealed.
<br /> BM Opening:Ju 1,2015 the Ciba Of BU". UnO t ad to dbrbans to 819W Partles b repair or replace existing SETS Orwdm wells. The ACfRA Is proposing The}upowkq new Arlde
<br /> For more Mwtbn Lakes and Centerville. program Into be fwdod Torn montes made evalado from IhoAnoka County Hous the allocation of CDBG 74382 Is hereby added to
<br /> ragardirg the above The adding and proposed and Redevalo MAM AuRwrlty(HRA)out of a Veda]tax levy can has been and Is prged MOB to TWM Cil-the Ham Lake City Code:
<br /> nts of trap Generally be imposed on Ham Lake properties for the b-n9fit of Han Lake heunkg Issues, lea Habitat for Humanly(Or 7-8362 Hwu
<br /> published °!RFPs,srang nroSeething along CSAR -470.1 FJIpibllfY-Conditions a Single family robabNRs
<br /> please visit tin Mau 14fMein Sired, SAW conditions ere eligible m
<br /> e for nskdraden lar repair and1br replacement or,.San scelered ape Pro)ed. tbun a Operation may be
<br /> County Web 811a :www. west through The Lakes UaBooated 2016 CDBG as Pa noted by Nie Now,
<br /> AndtaCounty. s. this program Include SETS Stat have failed or which consist of looking holding a handed*am fine b
<br /> (PuWarodJwro%, 410. Devebpmont narWaoutih kat, holding lank+wbich can ba replaced by a canwnone o'olher 8878',eMRbmerd hwdmB wN M Ilona,speal�lyIndudhp e
<br /> 2asA hake.y sed on CSAH 17)Ladrgton wuhe and sbdlOM pipe systema, M SOTS ta a'faled'SETS'R I Is dk- awarded h the amount of 2:00 em deshp time force
<br /> Avenue, andMast along Analog alluent above pound level.Those eperla Shal be used In place of any $80,000.00 to Twin Can 2Bb MISS I Proper
<br /> OFFICE OF E 109th Avenue,notdsoulh heradtede that may be found In Slate orCcurdy health and@$,and ngardksa of HabBat for Home This am firstobtained.
<br /> MINNIE A an Sunset Road,astlwast t mandogy as may be found therein. pn0)ad wB mad a national Pamir
<br /> SECRETARY TATE ding Elm Street,aaeVwest conditions that an aNglble ler consideration for repair amft replacement of obledk M of bwhrrod haus FineMrled b the Ham
<br /> CFRTIFICA OF though Rice Creek Chain tar wells an: Lake City to on June
<br /> ASSUMED E of Lakes Pak Reserve to conternineOon making the water will forhuman consumptim or If there en any mOmquestions, 15,2015 us adoUs Still
<br /> pted by
<br /> MINNESOTAST TIES, LAMote Pads and north) btetdcaweter pressure a used by a took Orwell depth,a Insufficient groundwater ragadhq tlhk amendment dayofJuy,2015°
<br /> CHAPTER 33 south b CSAH 14IMain mutonerplpa sersuredoetlon;or please cell Kale Theo-
<br /> The 8ing of an timed Sired In Centervllte.Vtfike Strom, Carmanity DeY6 Wdwd G.Van talk,Mayor
<br /> name does not a the majority of the Whas mechanical or electrical failure of or h the pump apparatus;or opment Manager, at the Denise Vdehster,City Clerk
<br /> user with ernloe rights alreadyAbandoned been constructed, A WON that needs to be abaoned and capped. Anda County Commodity �,66drd Jay td,2elsMde
<br /> b that name. B oft there are no current Pk— CNy'SdeslOneled ofldalsshakbe lhesob}dge afwhetherernottne qualify. Development Department Ltulyr— 0
<br /> IS required for r to construct the remaining f criteria are mel (783)323.5714.Comments
<br /> potedbn In to segmenta, 470.2 ENglblay.Fhaolel Inst t e Anoka h cod• OFFICES THE
<br /> enable consume s to be Caples of the master Ino to the Anoka County MINNESOTA
<br /> able to IdenOry true plan can be obtained by I ardor to qualify ler the program.the poP6r1Y Owner must be a natural penal or Community Develepmard SECRETARY OF STATE
<br /> owner of a bu she . contadInO the pro)ed ors,named In the title to the property AS pint tenants or tenants In common, Department,Anoka County CERTIFICATE OF
<br /> 1.Lint the and sumed manager Or vWft www. meeting the fa6owing Mnande"Rerta. Government Center,2100 ASSUMED NAME
<br /> name under w the a The appNoont(s)mud meet the qualfying Income IMIs as published by the 3rd Avenue,Anoka, MN, MINNESOTA STATUTES,
<br /> business is or will be Than who hew questions U ad aides Housing end Urban Development Department PHUD)as stated In the 55303.2265. Comments CHAPTER 388
<br /> conducted'
<br /> and EI the Pot Manager.Karen MB b hoMI useholabulations by HUD for d size,else for the Minneapolis Sl.Paul StatisticalArea.h°usln0, pIl be accepted tacit 4:38 not long a of assumed
<br /> p.m.on August 10,mmo user with anlucluelue rights
<br /> provide 9
<br /> Photography &asks, Park Planner, b Aggregate Molt worth a all of the Damen anal be Ilea than f6o,000.og halts- 1/you need an ao0ommoda-to that name. The Mug
<br /> 2.Principal Ha Anoka County Park$and on signed Fhandid Statements. Financial Statements mud be In d form Son,each As an OIAMPOIa Is required for consumer
<br /> Business: Ren°d°n Depammenl, ptable to peons designated by the City Administrator to review sane. sprinted mdeviel In an e-
<br /> 9401 Palm St. 550 Bunker Lake Bivd.NW. A TWO SeamA must be prepared or reviewed by the City Money,and the prop. lemale fonnel 0..e.,&RAID pidedbd In oder to
<br /> Coon Rapid°, Andover,MN 65304 or via a Cannot be in foreclosure or encumbered by tax New rd frdcharace(tens.Real a targe pdd)becawe of a enable con9urners 10 be
<br /> 66433 telsome d 763-707.2265 ata tams must be current. drab ft pla°se wntadffs able to Mangy Ins true
<br /> 3. Lid the not anti Orr—GR at keren,bleskaM Anna Carty AdmWsea- owner of a business.
<br /> complete stud address m.aokdsnn.w. Writ en d Then mud be reesohuable pes0ve equity h the property,meaning that the Ban office(763)323-6709 1.Ual the exact assumed
<br /> IIDid C stairs°stknalo a fah market value roust exceed the apparent amend a debi 3235209 name under which the
<br /> of AS Persona Ing CWVBm is On the master mboring the property,and the decision as b whether"not to approve the TETT'n°3) business Is or win be
<br /> business undo, above plea are preferred and may a cellon may be based on the CRY's avdualfon of the IkeNhood Ind the es• Christine V.Caney conducted:
<br /> Assumed Name, N an be submiled to Be Projed wards will In fad be paid in Ng. No credit check of the applbant(l)shat be Assistant CounttrAtioneY CRP Custom Plate
<br /> aaly, provkb beat manager tided above. ,The City may require a fee appraisal,the cod ofwhloh can be Included in Karen Skeppa 2,Principal Place of
<br /> corporate,LLC, United (Puefumd July 10 17 2015 N ban,d the elty's option,pdbrto making a decision on the epplloudlon. ACHRA Exeodive Directs
<br /> Partnership P and Ards c°uty R;.aM O Business:
<br /> registered oma a appldaK(s)shall furnish whatever Anandal Information Is requested of the (P.tasJuly1002016 Ards 11823 Dogwood Stead
<br /> Anna Tllkaam C CITY OF HAM LAKE C ,Includi g tax returns. Financial data wN be considered private data to the NW,Coon Rapids,MN
<br /> 6401 Palm St. PUBLIC HEARING Permitted by lata'• CITY OF 66145
<br /> Coon Rapids, TO ONS R 1 m
<br /> 70.3 Assistance and Pufmooetda 3Uel lel memo and
<br /> 56433 a, Loan.Assistance to the properly owner shat be In the form d a ban to the COLUMBIA HEIGHTS axag, tele street address
<br /> Elizabeth i AMENDMENT TO properly owners)in an amount necessary to effect the replacement or repsire,not CUSTODIAN IU of RI parsons conducting
<br /> Tllmann THE HAM LAKE CITY to exceed a told of$25,000.00.The loan shat become an assessment against the CARETAKER(Part Throe) buskdas under the above
<br /> 8401 Palm St,NW property on which the repoldrealecement occurs pursuant b Minnesota Statutes ESSENTIALJO6 FUNCTIONS: Assumed Name,OR m an
<br /> gal
<br /> Coon Rapids,TAN
<br /> CHARTER Chapter 115.67(Subd.8).At the tkno of ksdng the loan,the Cay shall provide are Wolk kvohes provl0lnp es- eddy, te,U.C.the bled
<br /> 56433 NOTICE IS HEREBY nolbsa required by said iatute.That aesAmment shall be certifiod ler collection alder ce N weals which are corporate,LLor Limited
<br /> 4, I, the underelpned, GIVEN THAT A PU13UCHELD
<br /> with nal Wet.taxes on November 16 of the you h which the ban Is made.and 1s6aduled a J.P.Mursyn Hal, Partnership nano and
<br /> catty that I am alining HEARING HELD °her be payable over a len year period,log.0m,with Interest Accruing at A rude to eroue mach,Vmbk4w, mainland once address.
<br /> an Mo u st 3,2015, established cl eauncit nsobtbn N the time that the lose Is made. operates d the menta held Lawerence T Cody
<br /> Oda document as Ina In the Council Chambers of y d the belly.Duties bakds 11829 Dogwood Street
<br /> person whoa signature Is Hem Lake CNY Flail, b PrerequkNesto Loan. Prbrt°dosing line ban,the■PpBcernt�shag suPPIY samrlq d the fwpdng 6N- NNWW,,C6aon Rapids,MI
<br /> required,a u agent of be IRornudlon satisfactory to lin°Cly documenting the need for U°repelrlreplon.
<br /> 15544 Central Avenue NE
<br /> person(s)whose signature d 6:01 p.m. to consider hent,and provide a quote or quotes from Unwed and quelA6d septic andlor wap 109 up Oftmm9nt,Arid in the case Of SM,BAPPk% equipment Is Ted Win was
<br /> has authorizbe d required mentto ills following Proposed providing a design documenting
<br /> plan for the new refuelled SETS that meds City codes.The operalooeL perlermbg general 023 67th Lana NW.
<br /> sign this document on emandmeM to em Ham applicant(s)shag also provide evidence satisfactory b the CRY that they meet Ow deedag and gangsta dNea Coon Rapid°MN 66433
<br /> Lake Cly Charter. an ODfcr*gtad4Polies, 4. 1, the under
<br /> hWha behdt th M bah 1lrerida4elgblllY requirements es contained hlam 11.2120 above. igning
<br /> oapadltes.l further wrNry Ttare k hereby amended 11.470.4 Pronrdure for Approwl REQUIRED QILWFICATION6: certity tlut 1 am alpdnp
<br /> that I have completed all M mix"I g th 1451 two One year pubis aonteetwolk this document an the
<br /> required fields, and that sentences of Section 5.00 B.3htbdnkabne.Apppcat(s)aha0 codrptete such forms u the CRY steftprap.rec experience.Ability to M UP parson whose.Wafira Is
<br /> me tfdonatlon In IMA and repbaing with the in for application
<br /> ppMw ion.n aH Approval,
<br /> an staff Sl Iscompletelete a report to The reports the
<br /> CRY
<br /> Council
<br /> hdud°t0 30 Poads. required,oras pent of the
<br /> tlommanl Is eve and the eaual financial data provided by ata applad(s). staff shah riot forward an DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS, Pormn(s)whom WN!"Wre
<br /> current and In compliance At such proposed ePplbatlon t°the Cloy Council unless all elklbgNY and submlsslan requkemadds TWO yeere pubic anteet work would be required who
<br /> off Minnesotaapplicable chapter
<br /> eta Mft Chy Counol,shaif acted lllbe ere complete,and Staff shall have the authority to summarily reed an application exparlson.One year Merl- hes outthis oc me n
<br /> for non-complanoe with egBiblity or subrasabn requirements.provided that the once waiting is a Caretaker, din r b deemed a
<br /> undafdend that by signing axed a within a time frame applicant(s)receive written notice from Staff es to the re for rejection. Building Supervisor,a related hlsllor behalf,th In bah
<br /> this document I am Subject which,S later subjected to poeldon Osa year expedeam Mpsoitles.I forther rattly
<br /> fo Me peaittesotparJuy reienrdOwn,andl resultIn b.City Council Approval, The CRY Council sines review the staff report and shill pefomhkg deantna and Wfto•that 1 haw complied ail
<br /> es Set forth in Section the of uendun Occurri g d ad a the application by resolution. If diseppraved,the resolution shag contain da duties Bek ad man-uequind beide, and that
<br /> 800.48 as N I heti Alfred enaxl suceeednp General flndIn05 algid supporting On dlea�rovd.NaPpovetl,the resolution ehW irhOkxtle Ing andro CPR certlIcellOa. the h(onnalbn In this
<br /> ads document under Oath election In the City.and no an Interest rale and such other mattes as the City Canal deeurs appropriate• HOURS: Marheg evening, document IS true and
<br /> FILED:June 2,2015, special election subletting c. Appal of Staff Decision. If Staff has Sumarily lejeded an application,the and weekend sperm areadga carted and In compliance
<br /> 0828246aD0038, the pmpoad to referendum appllcaht(B)may appeal the decision by requesting an appearance before the City Approx.10.14 hoom per wank with the applable chapter
<br /> IR Dougal Larson,owner shelf ever be told. Council. WAGE RANGE of Minnesota Studds. I
<br /> Phylat"Jdy3,tg2a6, Both proposals for and d.Variances.The City Council may grant reasonable vartanon to the elgtdtY re- $12.021051S77Ax ur understand that by dining
<br /> Anoka Onoty,R.-rd)6253 appaent, penst such quhoments Nlhem are special circumstances which justly such variances.Special ApPUCA71ON PROCEDURES.this document l am subjed
<br /> amendment Shag be hand. circvmalanees may Incudo,without limitation,the use of shared SETS systems or Applcabes aro wagspis from to the penalties of pa
<br /> Dales:July 10,2015 wells,unusual sub-surface conditions,or not worth affected by not-Nud Saudis. M e CRY Hal kfonndtloo Wk-AS
<br /> al forth In Section
<br /> _ Dalse Webster,Gly Clark 11-470.6 Closing dow,erIn.ycenbedowntaded 809.48 u N I had elated
<br /> ' - Wsdocument under oath.
<br /> (PLO,khed holy 10.2016 Ando Al the time that the ban is dosed,the applasd(s)chat execute any and at docs fmm mrwdsiedwwwcdA •FILED:
<br /> Coffee C-tyRwad)a menta deemed necessary and appropriate by the CRY In connection with the loan. bldalghtsms NOV or by calling
<br /> ��,3 il,,
<br /> Presented to Use Ham Lake CITY Coundl on June 15,2015 end adopted by a unadmous (703)714-3811 TDIY.MM los !sl LawemacA Thy
<br /> requestTB'Btte a ANOKA COUNTY A C to em)ico MUSTbe d.
<br /> _ col°this 6th day of July,2016, A ,eppYcetbn MUST be Mahapet
<br /> Co `" Bi CRD OF APPEAL
<br /> Michael G,Van Kl City
<br /> completely Wed out and rs fl uty %-.o0
<br /> Denbo Weader,C Conk tanned to the Human Resources t.hety loaaa)
<br /> ion MEETING (puhllthed July 10,2015A-A.candy R-4 s DMedorAceklard to the CRY
<br /> anum err ban ohtla The Anoka Camay Board Manager CRT d Cotunble Experience 6 Trsbbg 50 per-
<br /> andsvwoss•Omh of Append and Equalization Hdglhk.69040M AYesa NE, cern;Ord Interview 50 percent
<br /> met on June 15, 2015. , ;?' Cokmda Helgna,MN 55121. CLOSING DATE:Apppkan-
<br /> UghthOUSe Of No taxpayer Assessment AppkdlmS Y&be Woolson tons accepted anti)4:45
<br /> COjUnft He*tii appealsaa were
<br /> B5 , tacit 4:46%Mondry�Jul� Ps,Monday.July 27,2015.
<br /> 2015.IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUld"
<br /> (3.8�0t1 Hart BMdJ risme to actions taken PuOtingadydpl►aam�i.10MU"A$l op f may submit any other date EMPLOYER N&ATOM THE
<br /> �ulpos.Ay anti'28 by the board,refor W the a BYem ksuet2Io"oraa�!=r+sr) Ir.a.dM ,r^"'4 they Iasi k pertinent to their On OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS
<br /> July Anoka County Web Ste: Jdah Ky"Iyay4 Oxus-or, her M�sltwppr AR, consideration. DOES NOTpsCRIMINATEON
<br /> 8)11 wu w,anckecountyus 4oWlN Mleeln Emd:� A..armh SELECTION PROCEDURES THE BASIN OF DISABILITY IN
<br /> (P1O1Wrd Jur tO.lm6Mala bolkac lnly © otwJaNaaer SaMRY Applicants will be evalud- VSIONOIMPLOYBIT OR THE RD-
<br /> CartyR.aadl° �AnYaCahaead ed oat the following crhaflm: VL9gN OF 6ERVICEB
<br />