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matter back to the Zoning Administrator who shall process the permit application consistent with <br /> the applicable provisions of this chapter. <br /> Penalty,see§ 155.99 <br /> Ord. #33-A, adopted 0411211989, Ord. amended 0112611994 <br /> § 155.30 SUBDIVISIONS. <br /> (A)Review criteria. No land shall be subdivided which is unsuitable for the reason of flooding, inadequate <br /> drainage,water supply or sewage treatment facilities. All lots within the floodplain districts shall <br /> contain a building site at or above the regulatory flood protection elevation. All subdivisions shall have <br /> water and sewage treatment facilities that comply with the provisions of this chapter and have road <br /> access both to the subdivision and to the individual building sites no lower than two feet below the <br /> regulatory flood protection elevation. For all subdivisions in the floodplain, the floodway and flood <br /> fringe boundaries, the regulatory flood protection elevation and the required elevation of all access roads <br /> shall be clearly labeled on all required subdivision drawings and platting documents. <br /> (B)Removal of specialflood hazard area designation. The Federal Emergency Management Agency <br /> (FEMA)has established criteria for removing the special flood hazard area designation for certain <br /> structures properly elevated on fill above the l 00-year flood elevation. FEMA's requirements <br /> incorporate specific fill compaction and side slope protection standards for multi-structure or multi-lot <br /> developments. These standards should be investigated prior to the initiation of site preparation if a <br /> change of special flood hazard area designation will be requested. <br /> (C)Scope of section. This section is not intended as a substitute for a comprehensive city or county <br /> subdivision ordinance. It can,however,be used as an interim control until the comprehensive <br /> subdivision ordinance can be amended to include necessary floodplain management provisions. <br /> Penalty, see§ 155.99 <br /> Ord. H33-A, adopted 0411211989, Ord. amended 0512411990 <br /> § 155.31 PUBLIC UTILITIES,RAILROADS,ROADS AND BRIDGES. <br /> (A)Public utilities. All public utilities and facilities such as gas,electrical, sewer and water supply systems <br /> to be located in the floodplain shall be flood-proofed in accordance with the Minnesota Building Code <br /> or elevated to above the regulatory flood protection elevation. <br /> (B)Public transportation facilities. Railroad tracks, roads and bridges to be located within the floodplain <br /> shall comply with Floodway and Flood fringe requirements of this chapter. Elevation to the regulatory <br /> flood protection elevation shall be provided where failure or interruption of these transportation facilities <br /> would result in danger to the public health or safety or where these facilities are essential to the orderly <br /> 307 1 Page <br /> 73 <br />