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(3) Based on the technical evaluation of the designated engineer or expert,the city shall determine <br /> the specific flood hazard at the site and evaluate the suitability of the proposed use in relation to <br /> the flood hazard. <br /> (E)factors upon which the decision of the city shall be based. In passing upon conditional use applications, <br /> the city shall consider all relevant factors specified in other sections of this chapter and: <br /> (1) The danger to life and property due to increased flood heights or velocities caused by <br /> encroachments; <br /> (2) The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands or downstream to the injury of others or <br /> they may block bridges,culverts or other hydraulic structures; <br /> (3) The proposed water supply and sanitation systems and the ability of these systems to prevent <br /> disease, contamination and unsanitary conditions; <br /> (4) The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the effect of that <br /> damage on the individual owner; <br /> (5) The importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to the community; <br /> (6) The requirements of the facility for a waterfront location; <br /> (7) The availability of alternative locations not subject to flooding for the proposed use; <br /> (8) The compatibility of the proposed use with existing development and development anticipated in <br /> the foreseeable future; <br /> (9) The relationship of the proposed use to the Comprehensive Plan and Floodplain Management <br /> Program for the area; <br /> (10) The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency <br /> vehicles; <br /> (11) The expected heights,velocity, duration,rate of rise and sediment transport of the <br /> floodwaters expected at the site;and <br /> (12) Other factors which are relevant to the purposes of this chapter. <br /> (H)Time for acting on application. The city shall act on an application in the manner described above <br /> within 60 days from receiving the application, except where the city is granted an extension of time in <br /> which to make the decision. <br /> (I) Conditions attached to conditional use permits. Upon consideration of the factors listed above and the <br /> purpose of this chapter,the City Council shall attach any conditions to the granting of conditional use <br /> 314 1 Page <br /> 80 <br />