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Retail 6/1,000 sq.ft.gross floor area <br /> Convenience stores 7/1,000 sq.ft. gross floor area <br /> General services 4/1,000 sq.ft.gross floor area <br /> Trade businesses 3/1,000 sq.ft.gross floor area <br /> Manufacturing 3/1,000 sq.ft.gross floor area <br /> Other industrial or warehousing 2/1,000 sq.ft,gross floor area <br /> Car washes 5/stacking per ba <br /> Drive-up restaurants 5 stacking plus 1/3 seats <br /> (B)Off-street parking. When a building or structure is enlarged,additional off-street parking shall be <br /> required only with respect to the additional usable floor area. <br /> (C)Change in the Use of a Building or Structure. An off-street parking area shall not be changed to any <br /> other use until equal off-street parking is provided elsewhere. No parking area used or designated in <br /> connection with a building or structure in existence on the effective date of this chapter shall be reduced <br /> to provide fewer than the minimum number of parking spaces required under this chapter. <br /> (D)Off-street parking and loading zones. No building or structure shall be hereafter erected,substantially <br /> altered or its use changed unless off-street parking and loading spaces have been provided in accordance <br /> with the provisions of this chapter. Zfie number of off-street parking spaces provided shall be at least <br /> the minimum number provided in the schedule contained in this section. <br /> (E)Notwithstanding the minimum number of parking spaces as defined by this section, a conditional use <br /> permit may be granted to provide fewer parking spaces when it is clearly demonstrated by the applicant <br /> that the use will not require the number of spaces indicated. In the event a conditional use permit is <br /> granted,a condition may be imposed to require that the land normally dedicated to parking shall be held <br /> in a landscaped reserve that can be used for parking in the event the use or parking needs should change. <br /> A landscape reserve should equal the amount of land necessary to support the number of parking spaces <br /> required to serve any more restrictive parking use of the building or structure permitted by the applicable <br /> zoning district and building codes. <br /> (F)Parking spaces may be located on a lot other than that containing the principal use,subject to issuance of <br /> a conditional use permit. <br /> (G)Off-street loading. A loading space shall have minimum dimensions of not less than 12 feet in width,50 <br /> feet in length,exclusive of driveways,aisles and other circulation areas. One off-street loading space <br /> shall be provided and maintained on the same lot for each commercial and industrial use requiring <br /> regular delivery of goods and having a modified gross floor area of more than 10,000 square feet. One <br /> loading space shall be provided for each additional 25,000 square feet or fraction thereof. No off-street <br /> loading space shall be located in any required yard adjoining any residential use.Required off-street <br /> loading space shall not be included as off-street parking space in computing required off-street parking <br /> space. Vehicles utilizing this loading space shall not project into the public right-of-way. <br /> 365 1 P a g e <br /> 86 <br />