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6.03 Final Payment <br /> A. Upon Final Completion and acceptance of the Work,in accordance with Paragraph <br /> 14.07 of the General Conditions, Owner shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as <br /> recommended by Engineer as provided in said Paragraph 14.07. <br /> ARTICLE 7- INTEREST <br /> 7.01 All moneys not paid when due, as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions,shall bear <br /> interest at the maximum rate allowed by law at the place of the Project. <br /> ARTICLE 8- CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS <br /> 8.01 In order to induce Owner to enter into this Agreement, Contractor makes the following <br /> representations: <br /> A. Contractor has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents and the other <br /> related data identified in the Bidding Documents. <br /> B. Contractor has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, <br /> local, and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. <br /> C. Contractor is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local Laws and <br /> Regulations that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. <br /> D. Contractor has carefully studied all: (1) reports of explorations and tests of subsurface <br /> conditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions relating to <br /> existing surface or subsurface structures at the Site, and all drawings of physical conditions <br /> relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at the Site (except Underground <br /> Facilities), if any,that have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as containing <br /> reliable "technical data," and (2) reports and drawings of Hazardous Environmental <br /> Conditions,if any, at the Site that have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as <br /> containing reliable "technical data." <br /> E. Contractor considered the information known to Contractor,information commonly <br /> known to contractors doing business in the locality of the Site;information and <br /> observations obtained from visits to the Site; the Contract Documents,with respect to the <br /> effect of such information, observations, and documents on (1) the cost, progress, and <br /> performance of the Work, (2) the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and <br /> procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor,including any specific means, <br /> methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction expressly required by <br /> the Contract Documents; and (3) Contractor's safety precaution programs. <br /> F. Based on the information and observations referred to in Paragraph 8.01.E above, <br /> Contractor does not consider that any further examinations, investigations, explorations, <br /> tests,studies, or data are necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price, <br /> within the Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the <br /> Contract Documents. <br /> G. Contractor is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by Owner and others <br /> at the Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the Contract Documents. <br /> AGREEMENT FORM <br /> 0 2015 Stantec 1 193803352 005210-3 <br />