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These General Conditions have been prepared for use with the Suggested Forms of Agreement Between <br /> Owner and Contractor (EJCDC C-520 or C-525, 2007 Editions). Their provisions are interrelated and a <br /> change in one may necessitate a change in the other. Comments concerning their usage are contained in <br /> the Narrative Guide to the EJCDC Construction Documents (EJCDC C-001, 2007 Edition). For <br /> guidance in the preparation of Supplementary Conditions, see Guide to the Preparation of Supplementary <br /> Conditions (EJCDC C-800, 2007 Edition). <br /> Copyright ©2007 National Society of Professional Engineers <br /> 1420 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-2794 <br /> (703) 684-2882 <br /> <br /> American Council of Engineering Companies <br /> 1015 15th Street N.W., Washington, DC 20005 <br /> (202) 347-7474 <br /> www.acec.or,g <br /> American Society of Civil Engineers <br /> 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA 20191-4400 <br /> (800) 548-2723 <br /> <br /> Associated General Contractors of America <br /> 2300 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400, Arlington,VA 22201-3308 <br /> (703) 548-3118 <br /> <br /> The copyright for this EJCDC document is owned jointly by the four <br /> EJCDC sponsoring organizations and held in trust for their benefit by NSPE. <br /> EJCDC C-700 Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract <br /> Copyright©2007 National Society of Professional Engineers for EJCDC. All rights reserved. <br /> 00 72 05 <br />