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STATE OF MINNESOTA- RESPONSIBLE CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATE <br /> Applies to all prime contracts in excess of$50,000 <br /> A responsible contractor is defined in Minnesota Statutes§16C.285,subdivision 3. <br /> Any prime contractor or subcontractor who does not meet the minimum criteria under Minnesota Statutes§16C.285, <br /> subdivision 3,or who fails to verify that it meets those criteria,is not a responsible contractor and is not eligible to be <br /> awarded a construction contract for the project or to perform work on the project. <br /> A false statement under oath verifying compliance with any of the minimum criteria shall render the prime contractor <br /> or subcontractor that makes the false statement ineligible to be awarded a construction contract for the project and <br /> may result in termination of a contract awarded to a prime contractor or subcontractor that makes a false statement. <br /> A prime contractor shall submit to the contracting authority upon request copies of the signed verifications of <br /> compliance from all subcontractors of any tier pursuant to subdivision 3,clause 7. <br /> By signing this statement, I, (typed or printed name), <br /> (title) certify that I am an owner or officer of the company and do verify under <br /> verify under oath that my company is in compliance with each of the minimum criteria listed in the law. <br /> (name of the person,partnership or corporation submitting this proposal) <br /> (business address) <br /> (City,State and Zip Code) <br /> Signed <br /> (Bidder or authorized representative) Date <br /> 0 2015 Stantec 1 193803352 0041 10-4 BID FORM <br />