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5.11 Exclusive Contracts and Anticompetitive Acts Prohibited. <br /> 5.11.1 The Grantee may not require a residential Subscriber to enter into an exclusive <br /> contract as a condition of providing or continuing Cable Service. <br /> 5.11.2 The Grantee shall not engage in acts prohibited by federal or State law that have <br /> the purpose or effect of limiting competition for the provision of Cable Service in <br /> the City. <br /> 5.12 Office Availability and Payment Centers. <br /> 5.12.1 The Grantee shall install, maintain and operate, throughout the term of this <br /> Franchise, a single staffed payment center with regular business hours in the <br /> North Metro Franchise Area at a location agreed upon by the Commission and the <br /> Grantee. Additional payment centers may be installed at other locations. The <br /> purpose of the payment center(s) shall be to receive Subscriber payments. All <br /> subscriber remittances at a payment center shall be posted to Subscribers' <br /> accounts within forty-eight (48) hours of remittance. Subscribers shall not be <br /> charged a late fee or otherwise penalized for any failure by the Grantee to <br /> properly credit a Subscriber for a payment timely made. <br /> 5.12.2 The Grantee shall, at the request of and at no delivery or retrieval charge to a <br /> Subscriber, deliver or retrieve electronic equipment (e.g., Set Top Boxes and <br /> remote controls). <br /> 5.12.3 After consultation with the Commission, the Grantee shall provide Subscribers <br /> with at least sixty (60) days' prior notice of any change in the location of the <br /> customer service center serving the North Metro System, which notice shall <br /> apprise Subscribers of the customer service center's new address, and the date the <br /> changeover will take place. <br /> SECTION 6. ACCESS CHANNEL(S) PROVISIONS <br /> 6.1 Public,Educational and Government Access. <br /> 6.1.1 The Commission is hereby designated to operate, administer, promote, and <br /> manage PEG access programming on the Cable System. <br /> 6.1.2 Within one hundred twenty(120) days from the Effective Date, The Grantee shall <br /> provide twelve (12) channels (the "Access Channels") to be used for PEG access <br /> programming on the basic service tier. The City and Commission have the sole <br /> discretion to designate the use of each Access Channel. Grantee shall provide a <br /> technically reliable path for upstream and downstream transmission of the Access <br /> Channels, which will in no way degrade the technical quality of the Access <br /> Channels, from an agreed upon demarcation point at the Commission's Master <br /> Control Center at the Commission's office, and from any other designated Access <br /> 27 <br />