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<br />~Iorn: N1nm t.. Marty 10: uale KUnl<l8 <br /> <br />Date: 2/18103 lime: 1:59:50 PM <br /> <br />Page 3 014 <br /> <br />KAREN E. MARTY <br />Attorney at Law <br /> <br />3601 Minnesota Drive <br />Suite 800 <br />Bl~on. MN 55435 <br /> <br />Telephone: (952) 921-5859 <br />e-mail: 1anarty@ix.netccom <br />Fax: (952) 830-8211 <br /> <br />February 18,2003 <br /> <br />run Hoeft <br />Barna, Oozy &. Steffen, Ltd. <br />400 Northtown Finanoial Plaza <br />200 Coon Rapids Boulevard <br />Minneapolis, MN 55433 <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Hoeft: <br /> <br />Thank you for taking the time to speak with me this afternoon, especially when things are <br />disrupted by moving. If you address (suite number) ohanges, please let me know. <br /> <br />The items we disoussed regarding the Development Contraot for Pheasant Marsh Phase <br />Two in Centervi11e are as follows: <br /> <br />1. An "Exlu"bit B" is attaohed to my oopy. Sinoe it does not seem to be a part of the <br />agreement, it should be removed from the final copy. <br /> <br />2. It would be nice to ~lude, in the first Whereas paragraph, that we are talking <br />about Phase Two. To do 1jhis, I recommend simply adding "Phase Two after <br />~Pheasant Marsh" in that paragraph. <br /> <br />3. Paragraph C has three paragraphs. The middle paragraph reads simply "As <br />provided by MinnesOta Statute 462.3531, this waiver of rights of appeal is <br />efFeotive for the amount of $462,881.05." This oan lead to some oonfusion, since <br />the same language in the Phase One oontraot has the $1,871,642 number aotua11y <br />inoluded in the Waiver dooument. We agreed that this oould be olarified. I <br />recommend leaving the above language, then adding "for Phase Two, and <br />$1,871,642 for all three Phases." <br /> <br />4. Last but not least, I oould not looate anyWhere in the Contraot where it stated when <br />the esorowed funds would be released. The esorow is disoussed in the last <br />paragraph of seotion C. To address this, a final sentence oould be added to seotion <br />C, whioh would read as follows: ''This esorow shall be returned to the Developer, <br />less any amount required for . at 1 on <br />." The "at I. on" language is given, beoause I do not know <br />whether the City would prefer a date, or an event, as the triggering item. <br />