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<br />.__.....__....___...__......-_.;OMO......~..._. .'_. .. _ . _.. ....... "'_.' ..... . _ .' _" ..... . .... ..._. _. .... . . <br /> <br />.--..,..-......_-~_.- ... . <br /> <br />BUSINESS STABILIZATION AND JOB GROWTH <br />. HiStoric areas attract and retain small businesses. <br />Small businesses account for more than 85% of all the new jobs created. <br />They have the fastest growth rate. especially those that Emlploy 20 or fewer <br />people. Historic buildinas are an ideal location for small businesses because <br />they orovide the minimal averaae soace reauired and low occuoancv costs. <br /> <br />· f:>>resen,ing historic build.ngs creates jobs. . <br />For every $1 million spent on a rehabilitation project. 33.5 jobs are created. <br />Historic rehabil~on c;:reates 5 to 9 more construction jobs and 4.7 additional <br />jobs elsewhere in the 'community than a new construction project. <br /> <br />fISCAL RESPONSIBILITY <br />· Reusing and rehabilitating historic buildings is fiscally responsible. <br />It is fiscally conservative to reuse and recycle existing infrastructure. incluclng <br />buildings. The costs to raze and replace an historic building are usually <br />greater than the cost to rehabilitate. In addition. the transportation and <br />disposal costs for razed building materials are rapidly rising. Municipalities <br />can work with property owners to make rehabilitation efficient and coSt <br />effective through tax incentives and understandable revie~ criteria. <br /> <br />',) <br /> <br />. . ~~ 1-:~~;"'~' : '. <br /> <br />1\ ,) .... <br /> <br />.....: ~ :.t..i.l_: . ,.. ::.'. <br /> <br />?i~" ;. <br /> <br />. <br />Tnfonrulfion provided by the Anoka County Historical Soci~ from Donovan Rypkema's The Economics of <br />Histo1iC Preservation, ~ Spencer's "An.Analysis of1:he Economic.Jmpaqt ofPh.ysical ~ on <br />Retail S'ales," and."Benefits of Tax Credit for Historic Preservation Far Outweigh the Costs, " by the Preservation' - <br />Alliance ofl\AinnP.SOta; For:Q1Ore information, piease can Bonnie McDonald at (763) 421..()600; pee. 10.-2002. '. <br />:. .. '; <br />