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<br />What OtMr RBstrictioftS Apply? <br /> <br />Man~othertllaILthe be-ItefifS <br />described above must be taken into <br />accoUnt before considering undertak- <br />ing or investing in a rehabilitation <br />project. The rehabilitation' incentives <br />operate within the,context of a <br />building's'loca1 real estate market, its <br />economic profile, and project investors' <br />individual tax situations. <br /> <br />The following sections discuss some of <br />the provisions that may <br />affect the ability of investors to make <br />full use of the tax benefits. Taxpayers <br />should seek the advice of a profes- <br />sional advisor before initiating or <br />investing in a rehabilitation project. <br /> <br />Recapture of the Credit <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Generally, if a taxpayer disposes of a <br />b~ilding for which a rehabilitation <br />credit has been claimed within five <br />years of completip.g a rehabilitation, <br />part or all of the credit claimed muSt be <br />repaid. This ~reCaptureci" amount ' <br />ranges from 100 percent of the credit <br />claimed for property sold within one <br />year of the completion date to 20 <br />percent of the credit claimed for <br />property sold in the fifth ye~. Similar <br />rules. apply if all, or part of a rehabili- <br />tated building becomes "tax-exempt <br />use property" (see page 8) within five <br /> <br />Many older ftl1'm lntiltJing,r Iutve been <br />rehabilitated using the ifJ'OflStment tax <br />credit such tIS the Walnut Grove F tI1'm <br />oarn in Knoxville, II/inois. <br /> <br />.;..t_..; """,.'. <br />.,o!.... <br /> <br />years of the placed-in-service date. <br />Recapture of the credit could also <br />. _ OCCJU' Interior <br />revokes certification after the rehabili- <br />tation is. completed. <br /> <br />At Risk Rules <br /> <br />Taxpayers generally may deduct <br />losses from an acti~ty, including the <br />holding of real estate, up to the' <br />amount the taxpayer has "at-risk" in <br />the activity. The amount at-risk <br />generally includes the taxpayer's <br />contribution of cash or property to.the <br />activity and amounts borrowed for use <br />in the activity for which the taxpayer is <br />personally liable. <br /> <br />In addition, certain borrowed amounts' <br />secured by the real estate used in the <br />activity for which the taxpayer is not <br />personally liable may be treated as 'at- <br />risk. This allows investors in rehabili- <br />tation projects to "leverage" their cash <br />inves.cment by receiving tax benefits <br />.Oil their investment and a p~o-raca <br />share of a project's borrowed funds.' <br /> <br />Passive Ae1Mty Rules <br /> <br />In the Tax Reform Act of 1986, <br />Congress for the first time restricted <br />the ability of real estate developers <br />and investors to use deductions and <br />credits to "shelter" income other than <br /> <br />. that directly related to the .deductio~ <br />or credits. . Corporations by and large <br />.8!e. ngtcoveJ~4 by the~e rul~.___ <br /> <br />Geiieriilly, these rules prohibit the use <br />of deductionS and credits from "pas- <br />sive activities" to offset income and <br />taxes owed from "noD-:passive activi- <br />ties." Passive activities are those in <br />which the taxPayer is not involved on a <br />regular, continuous, and substantial <br />basis. Limited partner investors in <br />rehabilitation projects are presumed to <br />be involved in a passive activity. In <br />addition, rental activities, including <br />the rental of rehabilitated buildings, <br />are considered passive activities. <br />Non-passive activity income includ~ <br />wages and portfolio income such as <br />stock. dividends, stock capital gains, <br />and interest on bank accounts: <br /> <br />Under these limitations, deductions <br />generated by all of a taxpayer's passive <br />,investments may only be deducted <br />from income fr~m these passive <br />invClltmentSl ~iinilarly, credits gener": " <br />ated from passive activities, such as <br />the rehabilitation credit, may only be <br />used to offset tax liability on income <br />from ~ive activities. <br /> <br />I Credits and dedu,ctions that cannot be <br />usea because of the passive activity <br />rules may be used in future years to <br />offset income or taxes from passive <br /> <br /> <br />. <br />