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<br /> '. -L;.J ~~UJJ !.. <br /> ", <br /> " <br /> .~ <br />State and Local Incentives Revenue Act of 1978 (pL. 95-6(0) The Preservation Briefs assist owners <br /> and developers of historic buildings to <br />Sinqe the redu~tion of federal reh~bili- fJII 10 percent credit for qualified recognize and resolve cominon preser- <br />tation tax credits in 1986; a number of expenditures incurred in connection vation and repair problems prior to ' <br />states have enacted additional incen- with the rehabilitation of a building work. The briefs are especially useful - <br />tives to help make hiStoric preservation at least 20 years old to preservation tax incentive program <br />more economically feasible. So~e applicants,because they recommend <br />states have provided a 5 percent tax Tax Treatment Extension Act of 1980 those methods and approaches for <br />credit against state income taxes to (pL. 96-541) rehabilitating historic buildings that <br />compensate for the reduction in the are consistent with their historic <br />credit from 25 percent to 20 percent at ..,deduction for the contribution of a character. Topics address roofmg for ..t"'H"~ . <br />the federal level. Even more states historic easement historic buildings, repainting mortar <br />have provided an extended property joints, window treatments, exterior <br />tax abatement or property assessment Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 paint, rehabilitation of storefronts, <br />freeze to owners who appropriately (poL. 97-34) plaster repair, cast iron buildings and <br />rehabilitate historic structures. Addi- much more. For a catalog write: <br />tionally, many state governments, and Il!I three-tier credit for the rehabilita- Preservation Assistance Division, <br />statewide or local preservation organi- tion of certified historic structures P.O. Box 37127, Washington, D.C. <br />zations have developed grants, low- and buildings at least 40 and 30 20013-7127. <br />interest loan programs, design assis- years old <br />tance, and 'a. variety of other incentive The Secretary of the Interior's Stan- <br />tools to help encourage 'historic Tax Reform Act of.1986 dards for RiJhalJilitation are available <br />preservation. In many places these (p.L.99-514) . from the National Park Service in an <br />incentives have begun to counterbal- illustrated and unillustrated format. - <br />ance the diminished effectiveness of II 10 percent credit available for non- The Standards are used primarily to <br />the federal rehabilitation credits. historic buildings built before 1936 determine whether the historic <br /> " character of a building is preserved in <br />History of Federal Tax Incentives III 20 percent credit available for the the process of rehabilitation. , All <br />rehabilitation of certified historic projects that owners wish to be <br />for the Preservation of Old and structures certified for purposes of federal tax e <br />Historic Structures incentives are reviewed and evaluated <br /> II!I taxpayers with incomes in excess of in accordance with the 10 Standards for <br />Since 1976 Congress has provided $250,000 not eligible for credits Rehabilitation. The accompanying <br />federal tax incentives for the preserva- II p~sive activjty loss limitations guidelines, intended to assist in <br />tion of old and historic structures. , ' applying the Standards, recommend <br /> reSponsible methods and approaches <br />Tax Reform Act of m6 RBsou1'Ce$ and also list those treatments that <br />(p.L. 94-455) should be avoided. To order it copy of <br /> The state historic preservation office is The Secretary of the Interior's Stan- <br />iii! 6O-month amortization of ce11ain the best point of contact within your dards for Reluzbilitation witlt Illustrated <br />expenditures incurred in the state for information on the historic GuitJelines for R.ehtJIJilitating Historic <br />rehabilitation of certified historic rehabilitation tax credit. To locate the BuiltJing; write Superintendent of <br />structures state hist<?ric preservation office th~t Documents, Government Printing <br />I!ill accelerated depreciation on substan- serves your state, contact the National Office, Washington, D.C. 20402-9325. <br />Conference of State Historic Preserva- GPO Srock Number 024-.005;..01091-2. <br />tially rehabilitated historic property tion Officers.... 444 N. Capitol Street, The cost is $8 per copy. To order a <br />lIll denial of deduction for costs of Suite 332, Washington, D.C. 20001. copy of the unilhJstrated version use <br />demolishing ~ certified historic (202) 624-5465. GPO Stock Number 0?4-005-01061-1. <br />structure The cost is $2 per copy. To reach the <br /> The Preservation Assistance Division Order and Information desk at the <br />II straight-line depreciation on of the National Park Service has Government Printing Office call (202) <br />property constructed on site occu- available numerous publications of 512-1800. FAX (202) 512-2250. <br />pied by a certified historic structure interest to individual's or organiza- <br />that was demolished or substantially tions seeking the historic rehabilita- The Preservation Law Reporter is <br />altered tion tax credit. published monthly by the National <br /> Trust for Historic Preservation. This - <br /> loose-leaf service contains articles on <br /> tax issues, updates on legislative and <br />. <br />