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Local Water Supply Plan Template –March 2016 <br />s t ri ia(Orf n _ afr,0nk4itWh0ho og 00ag* APO& —) �#i00ROgcfi. <br />As challenges are being discussed, consider the need for: evaluation of geologic conditions (mapping, <br />aquifer tests, modeling), identification of areas where domestic wells could be impacted, measurement <br />and analysis of water levels & pumping rates, triggers & associated actions to protect water levels, etc. <br />D. Value -Added Water Supply Planning Efforts (Optional) <br />The following information is not required to be completed as part of the local water supply plan, but <br />completing this can help strengthen source water protection throughout the region and help <br />Metropolitan Council and partners in the region to better support local efforts. <br />Source Water Protection Strategies <br />❑ Yes ❑No <br />If you answered no, skip this section. If you answered yes, please complete Table 32 with information <br />about new water demand or land use planning -related local controls that are being considered to <br />provide additional protection in this area. <br />`labte 2. Local controls andschgciuletppoteiYDrinkingWatgrSuppiy a4i.4'ientAreas <br />❑ None at this time <br />❑ Comprehensive planning that guides development in <br />vulnerable drinking water supply management areas <br />❑ Zoning overlay <br />❑ Other: <br />Technical assistance <br />from your community's perspective, what are the most important topics for the Metropolitan Council to <br />address, guided by the region's Metropolitan Area Water Supply Advisory Committee and Technical <br />Advisory Committee, as part of its ongoing water supply planning Tole? <br />❑ Coordination of state, regional and local water supply planning roles <br />❑ Regional water use goals <br />❑ Water use reporting standards <br />❑ Regional and sub -regional partnership opportunities <br />❑ Identifying and prioritizing data gaps and input for regional and sub -regional analyses <br />❑ Others: <br />42 <br />76 <br />