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Local Water Supply Plan Template —March 2016 <br />premises, and to issue commands to the meter to perform specific tasks such as disconnecting <br />or restricting water flow. <br />Total Connections - The number of connections to the public water supply system. <br />Total Per Capita Demand - The total amount of water withdrawn from all water supply sources during <br />the year divided by the population served divided by 365 days. <br />Total Water Pumped - The cumulative amount of water withdrawn from all water supply sources during <br />the year. <br />Total Water Delivered - The sum of residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, water supplier <br />services, wholesale and other water delivered. <br />Ultimate (Full Build -Out) - Time period representing the community's estimated total amount and <br />location of potential development, or when the community is fully built out at the final planned density. <br />Unaccounted (Non -revenue) Loss - See definitions for "percent unmetered/unaccounted for loss". <br />Uniform Rate Structure - A uniform rate structure charges the same price -per-unit for water usage <br />beyond the fixed customer charge, which covers some fixed costs. The rate sends a price signal to the <br />customer because the water bill will vary by usage. Uniform rates by class charge the same price -per- <br />unit for all customers within a customer class (e.g. residential or non-residential). This price structure is <br />generally considered less effective in encouraging water conservation. <br />Water Supplier Services - Water used for public services such as hydrant flushing, ice skating rinks, <br />public swimming pools, city park irrigation, back-flushing at water treatment facilities, and/or other <br />uses. <br />Water Used for Nonessential Purposes - Water used for lawn irrigation, golf course and park irrigation, <br />car washes, ornamental fountains, and other non-essential uses. <br />Wholesale Deliveries - The amount of water delivered in bulk to other public water suppliers. <br />Acronyms and Initialisms <br />AWWA —American Water Works Association <br />C/l/I — Commercial/Institutional/Industrial <br />CIP —Capital Improvement Plan <br />GIS — Geographic Information System <br />GPCD — Gallons per capita per day <br />45 <br />79 <br />