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Future Accounting Standard Changes - Continued <br />In addition, this Statement details the recognition and disclosure requirements for employers with payables to defined benefit <br />OPEB plans that are administered through trusts that meet the specified criteria and for employers whose employees are provided <br />with defined contribution OPEB. This Statement also addresses certain circumstances in which a nonemployer entity provides <br />financial support for OPEB of employees of another entity. <br />In this Statement, distinctions are made regarding the particular requirements depending upon whether the OPEB plans through <br />which the benefits are provided are administered through trusts that meet the following criteria: <br />• Contributions from employers and nonemployer contributing entities to the OPEB plan and earnings on those <br />contributions are irrevocable. <br />• OPEB plan assets are dedicated to providing OPEB to plan members in accordance with the benefit terms. <br />OPEB plan assets are legally protected from the creditors of employers, nonemployer contributing entities, the OPEB <br />plan administrator, and the plan members. <br />Effective Date <br />This Statement is effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2017. Earlier application is encouraged. <br />How the Changes in This Statement Will Improve Financial Reporting <br />The requirements of this Statement will improve the decision -usefulness of information in employer and governmental <br />nonemployer contributing entity financial reports and will enhance its value for assessing accountability and interperiod equity by <br />requiring recognition of the entire OPEB liability and a more comprehensive measure of OPEB expense. Decision -usefulness and <br />accountability also will be enhanced through new note disclosures and required supplementary information, as follows: <br />• More robust disclosures of assumptions will allow for better informed assessments of the reasonableness of OPEB <br />measurements. <br />• Explanations of how and why the OPEB liability changed from year to year will improve transparency. <br />• The summary OPEB liability information, including ratios, will offer an indication of the extent to which the total OPEB <br />liability is covered by resources held by the OPEB plan, if any. <br />• For employers that provide benefits through OPEB plans that are administered through trusts that meet the specified <br />criteria, the contribution schedules will provide measures to evaluate decisions related to contributions. <br />The consistency, comparability, and transparency of the information reported by employers and governmental nonemployer <br />contributing entities about OPEB transactions will be improved by requiring: <br />• The use of a discount rate that considers the availability of the OPEB plan's fiduciary net position associated with the <br />OPEB of current active and inactive employees and the investment horizon of those resources, rather than utilizing only <br />the long-term expected rate of return regardless of whether the OPEB plan's fiduciary net position is projected to be <br />sufficient to make projected benefit payments and is expected to be invested using a strategy to achieve that return. <br />• A single method of attributing the actuarial present value of projected benefit payments to periods of employee service, <br />rather than allowing a choice among six methods with additional variations. <br />• Immediate recognition in OPEB expense, rather than a choice of recognition periods, of the effects of changes of benefit <br />terms. <br />• Recognition of OPEB expense that incorporates deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources related <br />to OPEB over a defined, closed period, rather than a choice between an open or closed period. <br />-18- <br />