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„ r <br />.rOM Tim Neu .. <br />Tuesday, -i-” <br />Bender, Jeff ,, <br />sull�jed, Thank you from ,`" <br />In the park we were able to make contact with 207 other stations throughout the US and Canada. We were able <br />to reach 42 of the 50 states <br />Tim Neu <br />" 1+. . CaRadio Club, 4.dE;mffgM!ZT,, Services- Inc <br />651-366-0021 <br />"I'lMs, ernail has been scanned by the ym mtec ' mem i Ike , ch)u s :ice, <br />Far Ilan ore inforTnatilon. please,it Ilia �/ .,w t �i�mtm .„ o <br />M <br />