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Minnesota <br />A ULI Nlinnesota (ULI MN) public official education <br />workshop <br />ULI Minnesota initiated the Navigating the New Normal (now called "Navigating Your <br />Competitive Future') workshop series in the Fall of 2011. The underlying purpose of these <br />workshops is to foster a meaningful dialogue between public and private sector leaders with <br />respect to the challenges and opportunities of development and redevelopment created by today's <br />economic realities. In particular, NNN workshops endeavor to: <br />• Connect a city's demographic trends, market preferences and future growth patterns with <br />the realities of the market place. <br />• Emphasize the critical importance of communication and partnerships between cities and <br />the development community. <br />Identify strategies to position cities to be competitive and sustainable by attracting the <br />best possible (re)development. <br />Navigating Your Competitive Future workshops are two hour, interactive dialogues with city <br />leaders and a panel of ULI Minnesota real estate industry professionals. City participants are <br />typically the City Council, the Planning Commission and Community Development staff. <br />Depending on the city's structure, other participants included Housing and Redevelopment <br />Authority boards, Economic Development Authority boards, Port Authorities, mortgage <br />assistance boards, housing, parks and environmental sustainability committees. Since 2011, ULI <br />Minnesota has conducted nearly 50 workshops in Minnesota communities including <br />Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth and Rochester. <br />HE <br />