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<br />2. Holidays. The Contractor will observe the following legal holidays on which their offices <br />and operations will be closed: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor <br />Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When holidays fall on a weekday, the <br />collection for each day of that week after the holiday will be made one working day later. <br /> <br />3. Authorized Pickups. Only pickups authorized by this Contract may be made. The <br />Contractor is not entitled to payment for any pickups not authorized by this Contract. <br /> <br />4. Street Improvements. The City may conduct street improvement projects that may prevent <br />the Contractor from traveling its accustomed route or routes for collection. The Contractor <br />must contact the City Engineer prior to each construction season to detennine areas of <br />conflict and possible alternate routes or solutions. <br /> <br />5. Administration. Contractor must maintain an office equipped with electronic <br />communication equipment and staffed with sufficient personnel to handle complaints, orders <br />for special service, or to receive instructions. <br /> <br />a. The office must be staffed from 8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m, Monday through Friday <br />(except holidays). <br /> <br />b. The Contractor will maintain a written log of all complaints, the date thereof and the <br />action taken pursuant thereto or the reason for non-action. Complaints must be <br />responded to within 24 hours of their receipt. The log of complaints must be made <br />available for inspection by an authorized City representative upon request. <br /> <br />C. Performance Standards.!.. Ihe..~~I).~,?~~r..~..~~pI'ly. .th~ .Ia~.t:,. .~t~ti~.'..8Il<i..~g1Jj~~t. _ .,.,. { Deleted: <br />necessary for the performance oftbis Contract. <br /> <br />L Equipment <br /> <br />a. Vehicle Protection. Trucks or motor vehicles used by the Contractor must be <br />water-tight so as not to allow the leakage of liquids or refuse while hauling and <br />covered to prevent the scattering of contents upon the public streets or private <br />properties in the City. If garbage or refuse is dropped or spilled in collection or <br />transporting, it must be immediately cleaned up. A broom and shovel must be carried <br />on each vehicle at all times for this purpose. <br /> <br />b. Cleaning. Vehicles must be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. <br /> <br />..f Formatted: Indent: left: 0.75" <br /> <br />c. Painting. The vehicle packer body must be painted and numbered and have the <br />Contractor's name and telephone number painted in letters of a contrasting color, at <br />least three inches high on each side of the vehicle and the number painted or a decal <br />placed on the rear of the vehicle. <br /> <br />-7- <br />