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<br />per Altacril1lent A. Attachment A may be modified iointlv by the pa...'iies to reflect changes in <br />tiRping fees at the i\l1oka Count" facility. The parties may mutually agree to modw! the <br />Collection Senrice allowing the Cit" to bill each resident direct!" if deemed aPDropriate bv the <br />Citv Administrator and City Council. The City will set the rates for service as they deem <br />appropriate and may deviate from Attacbment A. C____m____Hmm__.________...___________________u__/-- <br /> <br />- Deleted: The City will pay the <br />Contractor at the monthly rates specified. <br />Attaclnnent A is to be modified jointly by <br />Additional Collection Services. Charges for pickup of White goods will be included with the"'". l the parties to reflect changes in tipping fees J <br />collection costs billed to the City at prices stated in Attachment B. Those prices are subject to '>'. attbe Anoka County fucility.'1 <br />change from time to time by the Contractor based on changes in disposal costs and su~ect to City .... Formatted: Indent: left: 0.5" <br />approval_ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering <br /> <br />Disposal Fees. The Contractor will pay all disposal fees resulting from the collections ofCity....,::---{ Formatted: Indent: left: OS <br />refuse and garbage. ",( Formatted: Bullets and Numbering <br /> <br />Unmarketable Recyclables. The Contractor may retain the gross proceeds from the sale of....,::---{ Formatted: Indent: left: OS <br />recyclables. If the Contractor and the City determine that recyclables cannot be sold or given"( Formatted: Bullets and Numbering <br />away, the City will advise residents that materials are to be disposed of in the garbage and refuse <br />rather than by recycling. <br /> <br />'11_____ <br />V. <br /> <br />INSURANCE. BOND & INDEMNIFICATION. <br /> <br />rr-" <br /> <br />The Contractor must be licensed, bonded as required by City ordinances, The Contractor finther <br />agrees to take all precautions to protect the public against injury, The Contractor agrees to <br />indenmify and hold hannless the City, its officers, agents, representatives, and employees from <br />and against all damages, claims, losses, costs or expenses including reasonable attorneys' fees, <br />which may be asserted against the City, or for which it may be held liable, to the extent resulting <br />from any acts, omissions, or negligence of the Contractor, Contractor's agent, employees, <br />subcontractors or sub-subcontractors while engaged in the performance of this Contract. The <br />Contractor will indemnifY the City against all claims, liens, expenses, and claims for liens, for <br />work, tools, machinery, materials, or insurance premiums or equipment or supplies, and against <br />all loss by reason of the failure of the Contractor, subcontractor, or sub-subcontractor in any <br />respect to fully perform all obligations oftms Contract, including reasonable attorneys' fees. <br /> <br />Insurance Limits, During the entire period of the contract, the Contractor must maintain, at their <br />expense, and file with the City, policies or certificates of Worker's Compensation, Auto Liability, <br />Mobile Equipment Liability, and General Liability insurance. The Contractor must also make <br />certain all subcontractors and sub-subcontractors comply with these insurance requirements. The <br />minimum liability insurance coverage requirements are as follows: <br /> <br />Workers' Compensation <br />Employer's Liability <br />Auto Liability <br />General Liability <br /> <br />Statutory <br />$1,000,000/ 1,000,000/ 1,000,000 <br />$1,000,000 CSL <br />$1,000,000 CSL <br /> <br />-11- <br />