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<br />_X_Far registratian purpases yau must. provide the City afCenterville with <br />sufficient evidence .of the fallawing: <br /> <br />. A praperenclasure exists far the..daagerol:1s/patentially dangeraus dag and a <br />pasting an the premises with a clearly visible warning sign, including a <br />:warning symbal to InfarIl).ch!ldren that. there is a dangerous dag . an the <br />praperty. . . . <br />. . A s]..lrety band issued by a surety camp any autharized ta canduct business in <br />this statein a farm acceptableta the City In the sum .of at least $300,000:00, <br />payable ta any persan injured by thedangerousdag, .or a palicy .of liability <br />insurance issued by an insunince :campany autharized ta canduct business in <br />the State .of Minnesata in the amaunt .of at least $300,000.00, insuring the <br />.owner far any injuries inflicted by the dangerous dog. Failure ta secure the <br />praper liability insurance .or surety bond within faurteen (14) days .of receipt <br />.of this notice shall result in seizure of the dag by l()cal animal control <br />autharities.. . . <br />. .Proafof micra chip identification as required by MN State Statute ~ 347.515 <br />, . <br /> <br />_X~Review State Statutes S34T515, 347;52; 347.53 and CentervilleOrdinance . <br />#24 (capiesenclased) and attest by yaur signature, an the fql1awing page <br />that you have read an,d understand their c.antents and ramificatians. . <br /> <br />. , ' <br />. . . <br />. DUE PROCESS CLAUSE <br /> <br />,As .oWner .of the abave.,described dag, yau are further advised, .of your right ta <br />appeal this matter befare the City Cauncil. . Shauld yau wish ta, appeal this ~.' <br />. declaratian, yau must dasa in -writiIlg within falirteen (14) days of receipt .of this <br />declaratian. The. attac.hed Request for Appeal must be delivered ta the ' <br />Centennial L.akesPolice Department, 200. Civic Heights Circle, Circle Pines, MN <br />5~O 14 within faurteen(14) days .of receipt of this declaratian.Onceanappeal has <br />peen filed 'you will be notified by th~ City as, ta the hearing .date and additional <br />. rights provided you by lac~l .ordinance. . <br /> <br />Please feel free ta call ()n me shauld you hav~ any questians regarding this matter. <br /> <br />Very trulYY0urs, <br /> <br />~~.~ <br />~H~~-- . <br /> <br />Chief ofPalice <br /> <br />eel City Administratar. <br />