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<br />., <br /> <br />City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />January 22, 2003 <br /> <br />Mayor Sweeney requested the following change: On Page 16 of 20 remove the sentence <br /> <br />concerning an extra amount for work sessions. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers asked Staff to add Council pay structure to the <br />budget work session agenda. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra requested the following changes: On Page 4, third paragraph, <br />add "the transfer station" before in Blaine. On Page 6 of 20, third paragraph down <br />remove the last sentence. On Page 15 of 20, fourth paragraph down last word in sentence <br />change "work" to "improvements." On Page 18 of 20, change the last sentence "to be <br />involved" change to "the road". On Page 19 of 20 change contributors to contributing <br />and "they are" to "she is." <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Broussard Vickers, seconded by Council Member <br />Capra to approve the Council Meetin2 Minutes for January 8, 2003 as amended. <br />All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />VI. CONSENT AGENDA <br /> <br />1. The City of Centerville January 9, 2003 through January 22, 2003 Claims for <br />Approval <br />2. Centennial Fire District Claims <br />3. Centennial Fire District Quarterly Payment $20,405.25 <br />4. Centerville Lion's Fete des Lacs Contribution Parade/Fireworks <br />5. EDC Business Director 2003 - Not to Exceed $1,400 <br />6. Parks and Recreation Committee Request to Purchase Bleachers Not to Exceed <br />$1,400. <br /> <br />Mayor Sweeney requested that Item 4 be removed for discussion. <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Broussard Vickers, seconded by Council Member Lee <br />to approve Consent A2enda Items 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 as presented. All in favor. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />V. AWARDS/PRESENTATIONS/APPEARANCES <br /> <br />1. Tom Thumb. Store #295 (Hearing/Appeal) Denial of 2003 Tobacco License <br /> <br />Mayor Sweeney read a memo from the City Clerk outlining the issues with Tom Thumb. <br /> <br />Ms. Moore-Sykes indicated she had received a written request from the Manager of Tom <br />Thumb, Ms. Salstrom for further information. She then explained that she had contacted <br />the police department but was unable to obtain the information for this meeting and <br />expects to have the information the following day. <br /> <br />Mayor Sweeney opened the public hearing at 6:40 p.m. <br /> <br />Page 2 of 18 <br />