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<br /> <br />Parks and Rec Committee Meeting Minutes 5/4/2016 <br /> <br />Present: <br />Jon Grahek <br />Chris Bettinger <br />Kevin Waeghe <br />Suzanne Seeley <br />Kevin Admundsen <br />Brian Peterson <br /> <br />Also Present: <br />Steve King <br />Paul Palzer <br />Mitchell Andersen - Citizen ( not Centerville) <br />Kerri Kolstad <br /> <br />Call to order: 6:33 PM by Jon G <br />Set Agenda: <br />New Items under Update: <br />#6 Park Cleanup <br />#7 Basket Ball court lines <br />#8 Trailside Park shoreline <br />#9 Open Committee Position <br />#10 Centennial Lake Little League <br />Motion made by Kevin W 2nd by Kevin A. All in favor. <br />Approval of Minutes: <br />Motion to approve as presented by: Suzanne S; 2nd by Kevin A. All in favor. <br />Guest: Kerri Kolstad - Fete des Lacs Run <br />●Showed new logo by Savannah Lee <br /> <br />●Recap of attending booth at Kids and Biz in Hugo <br /> <br />●1st Registration was received. <br /> <br />●Two new sponsors were picked up. Lakes Area Dance and Central Bank <br /> <br /> <br />