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2016-11-16 CC Agenda Handouts
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2016-11-16 CC Agenda Handouts
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11/15/2016 3:15:43 PM
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TO: Honorable Mayor and Council Members <br />FROM: Staff <br />SUBJECT: 2016 Election <br />DATE: November 15, 2016 <br />I would like to inform Council that Staff processed 114 envelope absentee ballots from <br />September 23 through October 31, 2016 and processed 196 direct absentee ballots <br />(ability to run the voters ballot themselves through the voting machine) from November 1 <br />through November 7, 2016. <br />Without the assistance of Senior Account Clerk/Interim Deputy Clerk Ms. Kris Sweeney <br />this would not have been achievable. Not only did she assist with this process but she <br />also went above and beyond by assisting in set up of the polling place and reconciliations <br />associated with the early/AB/DB voting process. Thank you Kris for going above and <br />beyond during this extremely busy period. <br />For the first time, the City of Centerville had a Centennial High School student, Ms. <br />Ashley Hanson, be a Student Election Judge. Ms. Hanson may be in the audience this <br />evening. Ms. Hanson also went above and beyond during the extremely busy Election <br />Day by providing residents assistance by signing the Roaster Book, handing out "I Voted <br />Stickers", straightening ballots and counting ballots. She assisted whenever requested <br />and volunteered to stay to the end even though her parents were concerned for her school <br />work load. Thank you Ashley, job well done! <br />I would also like to take the opportunity to thank the fallowing judges who put in a long <br />day of work on Election Day and provided residents with the opportunities to cast their <br />votes ensuring that their rights were protected: Shirley Sundquist, Suzanne Seeley, <br />Donald Ault, Marcia Bartels, Norma Essex, Janis Hackman, Ellen Paulseth, Beverly <br />Stanko and John "J.T." Thill. We all had Mary Ann Thill with us in memory. <br />A special thank you to Ms. Shirley Sundquist, her spouse Mark and Ms. Suzanne Seeley <br />who assisted in set up of the polling place prior to Election Day. <br />Also, a special thank you to all Anoka County Election Staff as they have shown a <br />tremendous amount of patience, knowledge, accessibility and guidance during this <br />election with municipal staff and judges. <br />
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