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<br />(H) The total area of an attached accessOlY building (garage) shall be no greater than 1,500 <br />square feet per level, but in no event may the garage space exceed the square footage of <br />the main floor of the dwelling <br /> <br />(I) Swimming pools may exceed the size requirements for accessory structures, but shall <br />not exceed 50% of the rear yard. <br /> <br />(J) The side walls of an accessory building shall not exceed 10 feet in height and the <br />overall height of the structure shall not exceed fifteen feet, except to match the roof <br />slope of the principal structure. This provision shall not apply to farm buildings located in <br />a R-l district. <br /> <br />(K) Arbors. trellises. balconies. breezeways. open porches. detached outdoor living roolUS. and <br />heating equipment may be placed in a rear yard if it is at least fifteen feet from the rear lot line <br />and five feet from a side lot line. but may not be closer to a side street property line than the <br />principal structure. <br /> <br />(L) Neither buildings with metal roofs and exterior walls and covering a total (exterior) area <br />in excess of 120 square feet, nor any other buildings with metal roofs shall be permitted <br />in any residential or mixed use districts. Pole-type buildings and rigid frame structures <br />with membrane roof or sides, are also prohibited all zoning districts. <br /> <br />(M) Buildings exceeding 120 square feet shall be anchored to a concrete floating slab <br />foundation. <br /> <br />(N) The exterior color and design of an accessory structure shall be similar to the principal <br />structure. <br /> <br />(2) Accessory .~'f/'1lct1/res. 11011-residel1tialuses. The following standards shall regulate the <br />construction and maintenance of non-residential accessory structures: <br /> <br />(A) All accessory structures shall be subject to the same setback, height and exterior <br />finish regulations as a principal structure for the district in which it is located. <br /> <br />(3) Permits. All accessory structures shall require a building or zoning permit from the city. <br /> <br />Section 3. Code Section 154.060, Subd. G shall be amended to read as follows: <br /> <br />(G) AccessOf)' Structures. Garages, accessory structures, screen walls, buildings and exposed <br />areas of retaining walls shall be of similar type, quality and appearance as the principal structure. <br />The height of an accessory structure shall not exceed the height of the principal structure. <br /> <br />Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage <br />and publication according to law. <br /> <br />2 <br />