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U. Other - Please describe. <br />&AVAILABILITY OF FOOD, BEVERAGES AND/OR ENTERTAINMENT: <br />If there will be music, sound amplification or any other noise impact, please describe, <br />including the intended hours of the music, sound or noise: <br />A decision has not been made regarding music We may use it We will use a bull horn at <br />the start and finish line We will have a bull horn or amplifier for the race announcer at the <br />end of the race course in Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park. <br />Will alcoholic beverages be served? Yes No X <br />3 T11�,1_ 1 ; <br />If yes, describe what system will be used to ensure that alcoholic beverages will be con- <br />sumed by persons 21 years and older: <br />If yes, describe how, where, when and by whom the alcoholic beverages will be served: _ <br />If a casino party, a dance, or live entertainment is part of your event, please describe: <br />Please describe all of the activities of your event for which a license is required, for ex- <br />ample: a cabaret license, etc. Attach all required licenses to this application,_E11M <br />note that certain licensing may be required by City. County and State agencies such <br />as a Larne Assembly License fortgl ht erings over 1.000 geoille. some tomes of food <br />hap ling incensing Gambling License Cabaret License etc It is yyur resu nsibLty <br />to check with the City Clerk or local authorities to determine what Licensing is re- <br />puired prior to submitting this application. <br />Will food and/or non-alcoholic beverages be served? Yes <br />Page 5 of 14 <br />27 <br />